On 04/08/2013 4:51 PM, Alex Smith wrote:
On Sat, 2013-08-03 at 19:50 -0400, Fool wrote:
If I pull a Lindrum, then Agora is formally continuous, in that the game
played one day is the legal continuation of the game played on the
previous day. If you start another game, there's a discontinuity.
However, as we've seen, this continuity is rather illusory.
No! It's one of the main reasons I play. In B Nomic, we spent /months/
trying to reconstruct the ruleset from disaster.

Ratification become broken a little over a year ago.

It's a bit more than that I think.

Reconstructing a
year of gameplay is a reasonably minor price to pay to get things back
to normal. However, it's not helped at all via sources of uncertainty.

For instance, one method to fix the problem would have been to find one
player who had certainly been continuously registered since ratification
broke, and for every other player to deregister, with that remaining
player assuming Assessor and Promotor and fixing the ruleset via
proposal. This would neatly get around the vast majority of sources of
uncertainty. Due to your scam, though, this method of fixing things is
no longer open to us, because now there are no players who have
certainly been continuously registered since ratification broke.

Okay. Why would he have to have been continuously registered since ratification broke? Wouldn't it be sufficient for him to have registered after ratification broke, and been continously registered since?

In that case, OF COURSE there is a candidate. :)


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