On 4 August 2013 09:43, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
> I'm not going to tell you that you *can't* have the fun of reconstructing
> your own personal "platonic" state (to each eir own), but if it bogs us
> down and distracts us from actually playing based on our own current
> (non-platonic) consensus of the gamestate, then I'll go recruit some
> Postmodern Literary Critics to play.  Just watch me.  :P.

The intention was for it to be done off the main lists, and of course
consensus judgements will be involved at some point -- but I think
foresight of major incidents and a likely increase degree of
carefulness compared to the early days of the game will make the state
somewhat more accurate than what we believe. And it's mostly to pacify
my true B player nature; of course it doesn't actually matter.

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