On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 9:03 PM, Eritivus <eriti...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There is always the Referee (as an office), even when there is no
> officeholder. I believe the (real, not hypothetical) obligation was
> the office's, despite its vacancy. E.g. CFJ 2437?

For the record, if the obligation actually belonged to the office
itself as an abstract entity, then it would be impossible for a holder
of the office to fulfill the obligation.  But if you mean that an
obligation can belong to "the holder of X office" (by reference),
then... dunno.  This seems to comport with the judgement you
mentioned, but it conflicts with the text of Rule 2160, which implies
that vacancy obligations are only hypothetical.  The whole thing's a

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