On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 7:40 AM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
> Also, even with a SHALL, you still might run into a CANNOT...
> what happens in a SHALL if you deal a card that doesn't happen to
> exist (e.g. there's only one copy of the card, you think it's in
> the deck and "deal" it but it turns out it was in someone's hand).
> does that magically create a second card?  Or cause part of the
> deal to fail and part to succeed?  (probably this, though it
> depends on exact rules and it's still a messy-part failure).

My rules (wordplay, plus that ill-fated secret voting rule - don't
remember if there were others) were written such that "choose one" is
platonic and "choose randomly" is pragmatic.

By the way, one issue with relying on self-ratification is that a
malicious player can always block it.  So you could say "I randomly
deal some cards (p.s. fingers might or might not be crossed on the
random part)", CoE all future reports, and make everything depending
on success Indeterminate indefinitely - except for switches, which you
could cause to magically revert to their default value due to the
Indeterminacy protection.  It wouldn't even be illegal without wording
to that particular effect.

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