Are you sure we want shame on green cards? The whole point of green cards
is that they can be given when no punishment is warranted. The way the
rules are set up is to require cards, but to allow green cards as a way to
avoid punishment. It would be better, in my opinion, to create a new kind
of card. That way we could leave green cards with no punishment, and still
give the Ref options. (Repeat offenders get yellow cards anyway, so you
just have to wait a bit longer.) Speaking of which, what does our Referee


On Sunday, November 6, 2016, Owen Jacobson <> wrote:

> Changes from the last draft:
> * Shame is a player switch, not a person switch. Player switches are
> defined by
>   the rules; person switches are not, and the obvious interpretation would
>   imply tracking Shame for non-players.
> * Shame is explicitly tracked by the Referee.
> * Shunning is now by announcement, rather than without objection. Objecting
>   would allow Disgraced players to block their own punishment, which was
> not
>   what I intended.
> * The order in which Shunning side-effects happen, and the timing for their
>   application, should be clearer now.
> * A phrasing fix in the amendment to Green Cards, for consistency with the
>   changes to the other carding rules.
> I submit the following proposal:
> Proposal: Shame
> Adoption index: 3
> Authors: o
> Co-authors:
> Create a new rule with power 1 named "Shame", and set its body to:
>     Shame is a natural player switch, tracked by the Referee. The default
> Shame
>     of each player is zero.
>     A player is Ashamed if their Shame switch is at least two. A player is
>     Disgraced if their Shame switch is at least five.
>     If at least one player is Disgraced, then any player MAY Shun The
> Unworthy
>     by announcement. When the Unworthy are Shunned, then
>     a) a Lockout Event happens immediately to each Disgraced player, then
>     b) each Ashamed player's Shame is reset to the default value, then
>     c) the player who Shunned The Unworthy's shame is increased by one.
> [Create a cumulative penalty system and a consequence for accumulating too
> many.]
> Amend rule 955 "Determining the Will of Agora":
> After
>       - PRESENT is always a valid vote, with no effect on the outcome
>         except counting towards quorum.
> insert the text
>       - PENITENT is always a valid vote, with no effect on the outcome
>         except counting towards quorum. The Shame of each player whose
>         final vote on a decision is PENITENT is reduced by one when the
>         decision is resolved.
> [Provide a method to work off penalties voluntarily by refraining from
> voting.
> The notation PENITENT intentionally matches PRESENT to make it easy for the
> ADoP to work with.]
> Amend the rule "Green Cards":
> Replace the sentence
>     When a person is issued a Green Card, they are ENCOURAGED to travel to
> the
>     United States.
> with
>     When a person is issued a Green Card, their Shame is increased by one,
> and
>     they are ENCOURAGED to travel to the United States.
> Amend the rule "Yellow Cards":
> Replace the sentence
>     When a Yellow Card is issued, the bad sport SHOULD publish a formal
> apology
>     of at least 200 words explaining eir error, shame, remorse, and ardent
>     desire for self-improvement.
> with
>     When a Yellow Card is issued, the bad sport's Shame is increased by
> one.
>     The bad sport SHOULD publish a formal apology of at least 200 words
>     explaining eir error, shame, remorse, and ardent desire for
>     self-improvement.
> Amend the rule "Red Cards":
> Replace the sentence
>     When a Red Card is issued, as a penalty, within the next 7 days, any
> player
>     CAN once, with 2 Support, Throw the Book at the bad sport.
> with
>     When a Red Card is issued, the bad sport's Shame is increased by one.
> As a
>     penalty, within the next 7 days, any player CAN once, with 2 Support,
> Throw
>     the Book at the bad sport.
> Amend the rule "Pink Slips":
> Replace the sentence
>     When a Pink Slip is issued, as a penalty, within the next 7 days, any
>     player CAN, with 2 Support, become the holder of one or more of those
>     offices still held by the bad sport.
> with
>     When a Pink Slip is issued, the bad sport's Shame is increased by one.
> As a
>     penalty, within the next 7 days, any player CAN, with 2 Support,
> become the
>     holder of one or more of those offices still held by the bad sport.
> [Every Card raises the recipient's Shame by one. More severe Cards already
> have
> more severe immediate penalties; Shame is meant to punish a pattern of
> getting
> Carded, so there isn't any additional Shame in receiving a more serious
> Card.]

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