This sounds like an issue where I sit on the sideline and eat popcorn and
maybe attempt to correct if everyone is horribly off-mark. Wonderful.

On 27 April 2017 at 02:46, Alex Smith <> wrote:

> On Thu, 2017-04-27 at 02:43 -0400, Josh T wrote:
> > I am confused by the wording "barring 天火狐", and seek clarification
> > on the issue.
> When you call a CFJ, you can choose one player who will not be able to
> judge that CFJ; that's called "barring a player". Normally you do that
> if the CFJ is about that player or something that that player is
> associated with (to avoid conflicts of interest), or if the eligibility
> of the player to judge the CFJ would depend on the result of the CFJ.
> However, you don't have to state your reason, and there doesn't even
> have to be a reason.
> --
> ais523

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