The issue here as I see it is predicate level: there is a stage-level
interpretation and an individual-level interpretation. The individual-level
interpretation is that the adjective applies to the modified noun
intrinsically, that is, "the responsible people" at the individual-level
refers to people who are generally responsible. On the other hand, the
stage-level interpretation has a more holistic sense of the situation, with
a focus on the now: the stage-level interpretation of the aforementioned
statement, usually written as "the people responsible", using a
postpositive adjective, is generally interpreted as something like "the
people responsible for the situation at hand". Provided that allowable is
acceptable as a postpositive adjective, it seems reasonable to cast the
prepositive adjective statement as taking on the individual-level meaning,
which would agree with the interpretation of Quazie exceeding the Income


On 28 April 2017 at 19:47, Kerim Aydin <> wrote:

> On Fri, 28 Apr 2017, Owen Jacobson wrote:
> > If anyone can think of historical CFJs on the interpretation of
> “allowable” or a related term, I’m all ears.
> I got nothing.
> Dictionary seems to suggest either works.
> I think it's straight up "best interests of the game" territory here.

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