On Tue, 20 Jun 2017, Josh T wrote:
> On one hand, I'm kind of glad I don't have to try and explain what an 
> "algebraic integer" is to everyone since we can use the common-sense 
> ordinary-language definition of "integer" to mean "rational integer"; 
> on the other hand, I'm not convinced that saying "the unit of Balance 
> values is shiny" is sufficient to restrict them to integers: I imagine 
> few people would dispute "the meter is a unit of length" as incorrect, 
> and it makes sense to talk about fractions of a meter.
> Tangent: The word "unit" in the realm of mathematics has the meaning of 
> "identity element", which would cause problems in the other direction 
> anyway. 

Maybe worth noting: we used to use the phrase "Minimum Unit Quantity" 
(MUQ) in the Rules to define the size of the smallest divisible quantity
for a given currency.  (e.g. MUQ=0.01 means you could transfer down to 
Cent units).  I think that's the only time 'unit' was used in the Rules.
Not sure if that usage was recent enough to be any part of Agoran Custom.

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