V.J Rada wrote:

> I also point the finger at gaelan for being late on two CFJs and the SLR 
> (twice, I think)

These would be CFJs 3520 and 3521, both assigned on June 6th, 2017: 14 days 
prior to the Finger-Pointing above. Rule 591 (“Delivering Judgements”) states, 
in part:

> When a CFJ is open and assigned to a judge, that judge CAN assign a valid 
> judgement to it by announcement, and SHALL do so in a timely fashion after 
> this becomes possible.

Rule 1023 (“Common Definitions”) defines “in a timely fashion” as follows:

> The phrase "in a timely fashion" means "within 7 days”. This time period is 
> set when the requirement is created (i.e. X daysbefore the limit ends).

Reviewing the open CFJs, it appears to be possible to assign a judgement to 
each of them as of the date they were assigned. As it has been more than seven 
days since those CFJs were assigned, Gaelan has violated the SHALL clause cited 
above from r. 591.

The subject matter of the two CFJs in question is of extremely limited impact 
on the overall scope of the game. Each addresses questions about the 
relationship between a proposal and some other entity. Neither the text nor the 
adoption index nor the title of the proposal are in question, and the facts 
that are in question are of little long-term significance.

I issue Gaelan a Green Card by summary judgement.

The Short Logical Ruleset (“SLR”) is part of the Rulekeepor’s report, defined 
in r. 1051 (“The Rulekeepor”):

> The Rulekeepor's Weekly report includes the Short Logical Ruleset.

Rule 2143 (“Official Reports and Duties”) governs the frequency with which 
weekly reports must be issued:

> If any task is defined by the rules as part of that person's weekly duties, 
> then e SHALL perform it at least once each week. If any information is 
> defined by the rules as part of that person's weekly report, then e SHALL 
> maintain all such information, and the publication of all such information is 
> part of eir weekly duties.

Gaelan is the incumbent Rulekeepor, and last published the Short Logical 
Ruleset on May 28th. E has not performed this portion of eir weekly duties in 
well over a week.

This infraction has the potential to be more serious, as the regular 
publication of the SLR is crucial to ensuring that players may maintain an 
accurate understanding of the current Rules without having to track each 
proposal by hand.

However, in mitigation, Gaelan has done excellent work publishing and 
maintaining an unofficial repository of the Rules at 
<https://agoranomic.org/ruleset/>. E has also been steadfast in publishing the 
monthly Full Logical Ruleset, although the deadline for doing so this month is 
appraoching quickly. On the balance, I find that the effect of Gaelan’s 
omission is minor and of little consequence at this time, and does not merit 
significant censure.

I award Gaelan a Green Card by summary judgement.


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