On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 1:15 PM Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:

> On Tue, 27 Jun 2017, Quazie wrote:
> > I mean, there's no scam here - The parade merely gives future permission
> to add to it -
> > it's a standard convention to not burn down people's scam monuments if
> they aren't
> > disruptive - but the parade notes that you may add to it and that's
> legit.
> A perfectly cromulent interpretation is that the definition of "most
> welcome" is whether
> a change is welcomed through the proposal process.
> The prototype of this kind of things is the Map of Agora, created by a
> sort-of
> scam (I think) but later graffitied with our names whenever we felt like
> proposing it.
> It started out looking like this:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Rule 2105/0 (Power=1)
> The Map of Agora
>                                 ____  _        /|
>                      DARWIN ->  \_  |/ |      / \
>                                __/    /      |  |
>              <- DSV          /      /        |  \
>                          _   \      \_       |   \
>                    MORNINGTON CRESCENT ->    /    |      <- GREAT BARRIER
>                   _ _/       |         \_/\_/     \
>                  / \\ <- SHARK BAY      |         |
>                 /            |          |          \ <- TOWNSVILLE
>              ___/            |          |           \_
>           __/                |          |             |
>          /                   |          |             \
>         /           O <- L. DISAPPOINTMENT            |/\
>        |                     |          |               |_
>        |                     |          |  EMERALD ->     \
>        \                     |__________=_____,             \
>         /                    |                |             | <- BRISBANE
>         \      O <- LT. ANNE MOORE            |        __  _\
>          \                   |                |_______/  \/ |
>           |                __/\      <- TARCOOLA           /   LORD HOWE ->
>           \             __/    \_             /           /
>   PERTH -> |      _  __/         |   /| IVANHOE ->       | <- WOLLONGONG
>            /    _/ \/             \ / /       |         /
>           |_   /     <- ESPERANTO  v /__     |_        / <- CANBERRA
>             \_/                         \    | \_    _|
>                                         |    |   \__/
>                                          \___=_  ___|
>                                   MELBOURNE -> \/
>                                              /\__
>                                              |   |
>                                               |  /
>                                               \_/ <- HOBART
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> And ended up looking like this, just before repeal:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Rule 2105/5 (Power=1)
> The Map of Agora
>                                 ____  _        /|
>                      DARWIN ->  \_  |/ |      / \
>                                __/    /      |  |
>              <- DSV          /      /        |  \
>                          _   \      \_       |   \
>                    MORNINGTON CRESCENT ->    /    |  <- GOETHE BARRIER
>                   _ _/       |         \_/\_/     \     REEF
>                  / \\ <- SHARK BAY      |         |
>                 /            |          |          \ <- TOWNSVILLE
>              ___/            |          |           \_
>           __/                |          |  .___o  )   |
>          /                   |          | ~~vv ===~~~ <-OSCAR'S MIRE
>         /           O <- SHERLOCK NESS  |             |/\
>        |                     |          |               |_
>        |                     |          |  EMERALD ->     \
>        \                     |__________=_____,             \ BRISBANE
>         /                    |                |             | <-'
>         \      O <- LT. ANNE MOORE            |        __  _\
>          \                   |                |_______/  \/ |  LORD
>           |                __/\      <- TARACOOLA          /   HOWE ->
>           \  PERTH      __/    \_             /           /
>            | <-'  _  __/         |   /| IVANHOE ->       | <-.
>            /    _/ \/             \ / /       |         /  WOLLONGONG
>           |_   /     <- ESPERANTO  v /__     |_        / <- CANBERRA
>             \_/                         \    | \_    _|
>                    __   __              |    |   \__/           \_
>                   __ \ / __              \___=_  ___|            \_
>                  /  \ | /  \     MANUBOURNE -> \/      NEW C.LAND \}
>                      \|/                                           \)
>                 _,.---v---._                 /\__                   )`-']
>        /\__/\  /            \                |   |  COOK SCSTRAIGHT(    !
>        \_  _/ /              \                |  /      MICHAELTON->)  /
>          \ \_|           @ __|                \_/ <- HOBART    |^\  (_/
>           \                \_                                 (  |
>            \     ,__/       /                                 /  *
>          ~~~`~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/~~~~                  BREE_523->/~   /
>                                              MURPHENDELL--> #   /
>                                                           /   |BOBCHURCH
>                                               PAVRITTON->/  _|
>                                                         {__/
>                                                       /  @
>                                      WOOBLEING HEIGHTS
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
For reals - G. is a phenomenal Agoran historian  - And I wish I could award
em a patent title for continually bringing up great tidbits of history.

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