That seems pretty open and shut then. Appending an adjective is a mention
of that property which is no substitute of actually having that property.
(i.e. calling a car which isn't red a "red car" doesn't magically change
its colour) [consider this a gratuitous argument if it does go to a CFJ]


On Jul 20, 2017 16:43, "grok (caleb vines)" <> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 3:41 PM, Josh T <>
> wrote:
> > I'm on vacation and only have mobile internet at the moment so I can't
> > check, but does the rule specify that the trust tokens needed to win are
> to
> > be issued by other players explicitly or that players can issue trust
> tokens
> > and one needs such tokens from multiple players? In the event of the
> latter
> > case it might be worth looking into because I think there is real
> ambiguity
> > with how it interacts with Agencies and this is a good excuse to look
> into
> > it.
> >
> > 天火狐
> The last paragraph of the rule, for your reading pleasure:
> "A person can win the game by announcement if e has been issued a
> Trust Token by each player except emself; if no person has won via
> this mechanism in the past; and if in the same message, e quotes, for
> each of those players, a public message in which that player issued em
> a Trust Token."

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