On 09/13/17 13:38, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> Mechanism aside (which looks generally fine), how many (proposals+CFJs) do you
> think a "casual" (non-office holding) player should be permitted to perform
> regularly?  This is 2 total per month if the Floating Value is constant, plus
> a person is screwed if the beginning of the month falls on a low shiny period
> like last week.
> I think this can work with small adjustments, I'm just trying to get a handle
> for what baseline activity level people feel is appropriate, and work 
> backwards
> to ensure basic income, on average, would allow for that.  I think 2 per month
> is low, personally (though wouldn't be low if it were proposals only).
> For CFJs in particular, I'd really hate to think of someone joining, getting 2
> shinies (last week's level), then this week and thereafter being unable to 
> call any
> CFJs (e.g. about eir playerhood or other problems) for a full month 
> following.  
> That would be enough for me personally to judge that the player is 
> unreasonably
> blocked from initiating a CFJ (for R217 purposes).

When it comes to CFJs I expect players to cover each other pretty well.
But the mechanics shouldn't rely entirely on good will, you're right.

I'm hesitant to set it higher right now for a few reasons. One is that I
think there's a couple scammy interactions with other subsystems here,
and I'm hesitant to make them payoff more. Another is that the economy
is currently very unstable, and probably not representative of what
it'll be when/if certain changes pass. I also want to add more easily
obtained rewards that new players could approach. Finally, Solvency
should fix the specific case of hitting rock-bottom with FV, which
should make things a bit smoother overall.

> On Wed, 13 Sep 2017, Nic Evans wrote:
>> Here's my take on a basic income. Note that it's a form of guaranteed,
>> rather than universal, income in the sense that it only brings you up
>> to an appropriate level.
>> I submit the following proposal:
>> title: Basic Income
>> ai: 2
>> author: nichdel
>> co-authors:
>> Repeal R2500 "Action Points"
>> Amend R2445 "How to Pend a Proposal" to read in full:
>>    Imminence is a switch, tracked by the Promotor, possessed by
>>    proposals in the Proposal Pool, whose value is either "pending" or
>>    "not pending" (default).
>>    Any player CAN flip a specified proposal's imminence to "pending" by
>>    announcement by spending the current Pend Cost in shinies.
>> Amend R991 "Calls for Judgement" by removing point "a)" in the first
>> list and changing points "b)" and "c)" to "a)" and "b)" respectively.
>> Amend R2497 "Floating Value" by adding to the end of the list of
>> Floating Derived Values:
>>    * Income Floor: 1/10th the Floating Value, rounded up.
>> Amend R2499 "Welcome Packages" to read in full:
>>    Within an Agoran Week after a person registers, any player CAN and
>>    MAY cause Agora to pay the new player the Income Floor in shinies by
>>    announcement.
>> Create a new Power 1 rule titled "Basic Income" with the following text:
>>    Within an Agoran Week after the first Secretary Weekly Report is
>>    published in an Agoran Month, any player CAN and MAY cause Agora,
>>    by announcement to pay em the Income Floor minus eir Balance at time
>>    of the Weekly Report's publication if e has less than the Income
>>    Floor in shinies and has 0 stamps.

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