So some thoughts then:

- Do away with AP, but just allow 1 free CFJ/week for everyone?

- I think "new" players should get an extra bonus so they can jump in, with the 
understanding that "once that first stake is gone, you'll be operating on a much
lower level."  My thought is to give them each 2 stamps, that way they can
immediately try to game the stamp (hold onto it if it's too low).

- I'd be tempted to just keep quiet and use this, but let's try to get it right
first time:  how do you defend against the following avoidance scheme:  "If 
transfer shinies and stamps to me before the beginning of the month for the 
of claiming basic income, I pledge/(Agency) to return them after the income is
claimed".  Seems like a very natural thing that people would set up.

On Wed, 13 Sep 2017, Nic Evans wrote:
> On 09/13/17 13:38, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> >
> > Mechanism aside (which looks generally fine), how many (proposals+CFJs) do 
> > you
> > think a "casual" (non-office holding) player should be permitted to perform
> > regularly?  This is 2 total per month if the Floating Value is constant, 
> > plus
> > a person is screwed if the beginning of the month falls on a low shiny 
> > period
> > like last week.
> >
> > I think this can work with small adjustments, I'm just trying to get a 
> > handle
> > for what baseline activity level people feel is appropriate, and work 
> > backwards
> > to ensure basic income, on average, would allow for that.  I think 2 per 
> > month
> > is low, personally (though wouldn't be low if it were proposals only).
> >
> > For CFJs in particular, I'd really hate to think of someone joining, 
> > getting 2
> > shinies (last week's level), then this week and thereafter being unable to 
> > call any
> > CFJs (e.g. about eir playerhood or other problems) for a full month 
> > following.  
> > That would be enough for me personally to judge that the player is 
> > unreasonably
> > blocked from initiating a CFJ (for R217 purposes).
> When it comes to CFJs I expect players to cover each other pretty well.
> But the mechanics shouldn't rely entirely on good will, you're right.
> I'm hesitant to set it higher right now for a few reasons. One is that I
> think there's a couple scammy interactions with other subsystems here,
> and I'm hesitant to make them payoff more. Another is that the economy
> is currently very unstable, and probably not representative of what
> it'll be when/if certain changes pass. I also want to add more easily
> obtained rewards that new players could approach. Finally, Solvency
> should fix the specific case of hitting rock-bottom with FV, which
> should make things a bit smoother overall.
> >
> > On Wed, 13 Sep 2017, Nic Evans wrote:
> >> Here's my take on a basic income. Note that it's a form of guaranteed,
> >> rather than universal, income in the sense that it only brings you up
> >> to an appropriate level.
> >>
> >> I submit the following proposal:
> >>
> >> title: Basic Income
> >> ai: 2
> >> author: nichdel
> >> co-authors:
> >>
> >> Repeal R2500 "Action Points"
> >>
> >> Amend R2445 "How to Pend a Proposal" to read in full:
> >>
> >>    Imminence is a switch, tracked by the Promotor, possessed by
> >>    proposals in the Proposal Pool, whose value is either "pending" or
> >>    "not pending" (default).
> >>
> >>    Any player CAN flip a specified proposal's imminence to "pending" by
> >>    announcement by spending the current Pend Cost in shinies.
> >>
> >> Amend R991 "Calls for Judgement" by removing point "a)" in the first
> >> list and changing points "b)" and "c)" to "a)" and "b)" respectively.
> >>
> >> Amend R2497 "Floating Value" by adding to the end of the list of
> >> Floating Derived Values:
> >>
> >>    * Income Floor: 1/10th the Floating Value, rounded up.
> >>
> >> Amend R2499 "Welcome Packages" to read in full:
> >>
> >>    Within an Agoran Week after a person registers, any player CAN and
> >>    MAY cause Agora to pay the new player the Income Floor in shinies by
> >>    announcement.
> >>
> >> Create a new Power 1 rule titled "Basic Income" with the following text:
> >>
> >>    Within an Agoran Week after the first Secretary Weekly Report is
> >>    published in an Agoran Month, any player CAN and MAY cause Agora,
> >>    by announcement to pay em the Income Floor minus eir Balance at time
> >>    of the Weekly Report's publication if e has less than the Income
> >>    Floor in shinies and has 0 stamps.
> >>
> >>
> >>

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