Per G.’s exhortation, I’ve now read this in full, twice, and run through the “I 
vote as G. does” case that caused a CFJ against the proposed rules.

> On Oct 4, 2017, at 9:41 PM, Alexis Hunt <> wrote:
> I propose the following and pend it with an AP.
> Proposal: Clarity Act (AI=3)
> {{{
> Text in square brackets is not a part of this proposal's substance and
> is ignored when it takes effect.
> Enact a new power 3 rule entitled Voting Methods, reading as follows:
>       Each Agoran decision has a voting method, which must be
>       AI-majority, instant runoff, or first-past-the-post. The voting
>       method is that specified by the authorizing authority, or
>       first-past-the-post by default.
>       Each Agoran decision has a set of valid options (the choices that
>       the voters are being asked to select from) and valid votes (the
>       ways in which the voters can express their opinion or lack thereof.
>       For AI-majority decisions, the valid options are FOR and AGAINST;
>       for other decisions, the valid options are defined by other rules.
>       The valid votes on an Agoran decision are:
>       1. PRESENT;
>       2. The valid conditional votes, as defined by rules of power at
>          least that of this rule; and
>       3. For an instant runoff decision, the ordered lists of entities.
>       4. For any other decision, the valid options.
> [This splits off the portion of 955 that isn't actually related to
>  resolution. The definition of instant runoff is changed to evaluate
>  validity of options at the end of the voting period, and avoid
>  retroactively invalidating votes if an option drops out.]

How does forking this out of the original (and quite old) rule change its 
interaction with other rules, under rule 1030 (“Precedence between Rules”)? I 
can’t see any obvious differences, but I wanted to draw attention to this in 
case others with more insight spot anything.

> Amend Rule 955 by replacing the second paragraph and numbered list with
> the following and by deleting the second bullet in the unnumbered list.
>       1. For an AI-majority decision, let F be the total strength of all
>          valid ballots cast FOR a decision, A be the same for AGAINST,
>          and AI be the adoption index of the decision. The outcome is
>          ADOPTED if F/A >= AI and F/A > 1 (or F>0 and A=0), otherwise
>          REJECTED.
>       2. For an instant runoff decision, the outcome is whichever option
>          wins according to the standard definition of instant runoff.
>          For this purpose, a ballot of strength N is treated as if it
>          were N distinct ballots expressing the same preferences. In
>          case multiple valid options tie for the lowest number of votes
>          at any stage, the vote collector CAN and must, in the
>          announcement of the decision's resolution, select one such
>          option to eliminate; if, for M > 1, all eir possible choices in
>          the next M stages would result in the same set of options being
>          eliminated, e need not specify the order of elimination. If an
>          entity that is part of a valid vote is not a valid option at
>          the end of the voting period, or disqualified by the rule
>          providing for the decision, then that entity is eliminated
>          prior to the first round of counting.
>       3. For a first-past-the-post decision, the outcome is whichever
>          option received the highest total strength of valid ballots. In
>          case of a tie, the vote collector CAN and must, in the
>          announcement of the decision's resolution, select one of the
>          leaders as the outcome.
> [No change here, except for removing the valid votes, and clearly
>  specifying what happens to options that are no longer valid at the end
>  of the voting period.]
> If the text "The rule providing for an Agoran Decision by instant runoff
> may disqualify one or more options; in such a case, they are eliminated
> prior to beginning the first stage of the vote count." appears in Rule
> 955, delete it.
> [Coordinating amendment to the Election Procedure proposal. H. Assessor,
>  please resolve that one first.]
> Amend Rule 2127 to read as follows:
>       A conditional vote on an Agoran decision is a vote which indicates
>       a vote based on some condition(s). A conditional vote is evaluated
>       at the end of the voting period and, rules to the contrary
>       notwithstanding, is clearly specified if and only if the value of
>       the condition(s) is/are determinate at the end of the voting
>       period. If the conditional is clearly specified, and evaluates to
>       a valid vote, it is counted as that vote; otherwise, it is counted
>       as PRESENT.
>       Any vote which is clearly expressed as a conditional, e.g. "FOR if
>       <X> is true, AGAINST otherwise", is a valid conditional vote that
>       evaluates as specified.
>       A vote endorsing another person is equivalent to a conditional
>       vote evaluating to the vote specified in that person's valid
>       ballot on the decision, if any.

This is a new and different definition of ENDORSE than what is presently the 
case, though I suspect that for all possible Agoran Decisions under current 
rules they are interchangeable.

You’ve done away with RENOUNCE. To my knowledge I’ve never seen it used anyways.

>       For an instant runoff decision, a vote consisting of a list, one
>       or more entries of which are valid conditional votes, and the
>       remaining entries of which are valid options, is a valid
>       conditional vote. Such a vote is evaluated by evaluating each
>       conditional entry to a list of votes (or an empty list, if it
>       evaluates to PRESENT either directly or indirectly), and then
>       concatenating those lists with the specified valid options in the
>       order they occurred in the original vote.

Is it automatic that if the final list is empty, the ballot is equivalent to 

> [New conditional vote rule clearly specifies what conditional votes are
>  valid, as well as providing for evaluation of conditional lists in
>  instant runoff in the sensible way.]
> Amend Rule 2438 by replacing the paragraph describing Orange
> Ribbons with:
>       Orange (O): When a proposal is adopted via an Agoran Decision on
>       which no valid ballots were AGAINST (after evaluating
>       conditionals), its proposer earns an Orange Ribbon.
> Award G. a Transparent Ribbon.
> [I accept that it's fair that this may not actually be a problem,
>  but clarifying it and converging gamestate does not hurt.]
> }}}


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