On Sat, 28 Apr 2018, Ørjan Johansen wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Apr 2018, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> > So if another rule says "you can do X by paying [without
> > destination]", then since paying for it is an attempt to decrease
> > your balance, that's a pretty strong implication that you do it
> > by destroying it.  And if you pay someone else, you're not doing
> > what the rule says you need to do.
> Something something "direct forward reasoning".

Direct, forward:  
This error-traps payments without destination, it's pretty clear.
It's after the definition of "pay" within the same rule so it 
overrules that definition (R2240).

Longer version but still straightforward:  
- Paying decreases your balance.
- Paying without destination destroys things.
- A rule lets you do something by paying (without specifying
- To do that, you destroy the things.

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