On Wed, 23 May 2018, Cuddle Beam wrote:
> What could maybe be done is have Offices be "self-service" in a way. If you
> want to do something related to it, you look for the last mail and continue
> the chain.
> It would be a different Office paradigm though. But maybe it works. With
> the current system, Offices don't scale well with low activity (but scale
> really well into massive activity).

How does it work with tracking microtransactions in a dozen currencies 
along with land production of same currencies?  In particular if we allow
people to transfer "all their currencies" or similar not-immediately-
determinate conditionals?)  Or if transfer success/failure depends on
other game circumstances (e.g. you try to pay for pending a proposal but
it's already pended).

Self-service websites might work for basic transactions, but this drops 
flexibility (like allowing act-on-behalfs, contracts, etc.), and even if
such a site captures 90% of the transactions, someone would still have to 
do the remaining 10% by hand and then the time savings are lost.   

The underlying issue is that part of "Flavor of Agora" to preserve is 
figuring out how you can use (or abuse) language to do all these 
complicated things within the constraints of announcements. And since we
like to do that kind of thing, having "the next person in line" have to
figure out whether your transaction succeeded before doing theirs is a
recipe for uncertainty. (with an Officer, you get a consistent viewpoint
and a single source of CFJ calling when the Officer can't sort it out).

I'm not meaning to be negative here at all just thinking through the
possibilities.  I'd *love* to do Land through a web interface with
instant feedback.

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