On 7/25/2019 7:59 AM, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> On 7/25/2019 7:38 AM, James Cook wrote:
>  > Title: Fresh start
>  > Co-authors: (empty list)
>  > Adoption index: 3.1
>  > Text: {
>  > Register nch.
>  > nch receives a Welcome Package.
>  > Destroy all of nch's Coins.
>  > }

Just on a purely technical side - I assume nch will consent, but if e
doesn't not even AI-3.1 will work and might create a weird situation.
      A person, by registering, agrees to abide by the Rules. The Rules
      CANNOT otherwise bind a person to abide by any agreement without
      that person's willful consent.
If the person is registered "by force" without consent, e never agrees to
abide by the rules.  Being "bound to the rules" is a continuous state.  We
might get the odd situation that someone is registered (by force of
proposal) but not "bound to abide" because they didn't consent.

Easy fix:  wrap the whole thing in a conditional "if nch has publicly
consented to abide by the rules in clear reference to this proposal
(and not withdrawn consent) then..."


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