> On Jul 31, 2019, at 4:54 PM, Jason Cobb <jason.e.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Gratuitous:
> The 4 week period gives plenty of time for all of these rule changes to be 
> effected in ~2 weeks.
> Start of Week 0: write proposal that repeals any protections (including 
> AIAN). Distribute this proposal.
> Week 0: voting on proposal to repeal protections.
> End of Week 0: resolve decision to adopt proposal to repeal all protections.
> Start of Week 1: write proposal that does whatever the hell you want.
> Week 1: voting on proposal to do whatever.
> End of Week 1: resolve decision to adopt proposal to do whatever.
> [Obviously there's some extra time there because proposals aren't distributed 
> and assessed instantly, but you get the point.]
> Thus arbitrary rule changes are possible in 2-3 weeks, assuming that 
> distributing/voting on/assessing proposals counts as a "reasonable 
> combination of actions by players".
> Jason Cobb

I disagree for a variety of reasons. 

First, your example here would be an inseparable group of changes that result 
in Agora being ossified.  Under the Rule, "If any . . . inseperable group of 
changes to the gamestate would cause Agora to become ossified . . . it is 
cancelled and does not occur, rules to the contrary notwithstanding." 

Second, all I need to do is identify one rule change that is IMPOSSIBLE to 
enact in 4 weeks, and I think it's trivially easy to do that. 

Here's a rule change that is trivially IMPOSSIBLE to enact: "Enact a power 100 
Rule that states: 'It is, and always has been, IMPOSSIBLE to enact this rule.'"

Or: "Re-enact the Ossification protections (if they have been repealed), and 
then Ossify Agora."

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