Votes inline. Also I flip my master switch to myself, I guess.


> On Oct 6, 2019, at 7:56 PM, Aris Merchant 
> <> wrote:
> I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
> Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
> pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
> quorum is 6, the voting method is AI-majority, and the valid
> options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
> conditional votes).
> ID     Author(s)                AI    Title
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 8251   G.                       3.0   Ruleset definition
> 8252   Jason Cobb               1.0   Blasphemy
ENDORSE Jason Cobb.
> At the beginning of this Agoran Week, the Proposal Pool contained only the
> two proposals listed above.
> The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8251
> Title: Ruleset definition
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: G.
> Co-authors:
> Amend Rule 2141 (Role and Attributes of Rules) by appending the following
> text to its first paragraph:
>  The ruleset is the set of all currently-existing rules.
> [and while we're at it...]
> Amend Rule 1030 (Precedence between Rules) by replacing all instances
> of "Ruleset" with "ruleset".
> [I mean, I think that definition matches what would be the "common"
> definition anyway, but may be useful to have it there].
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8252
> Title: Blasphemy
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: Jason Cobb
> Co-authors:
> Destroy the contract that is known as the Reformed Church of the Ritual.
> [It's useless now.]
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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