On Sun, Nov 3, 2019 at 12:44 AM Gaelan Steele <g...@canishe.com> wrote:
> I am considering, as part of my plotting-to-become-rulekeepor work, some sort 
> of automatic proposal generator (basically, some sort of web-based interface 
> for editing the ruleset, get changes dumped into a human-readable proposal). 
> Obviously something like that catching on would benefit me (because I can 
> parse the proposals back into a set of changes with no human intervention), 
> but could also be convenient for you. To be clear, if this ever happens, it 
> wouldn’t be coming for another few weeks at least.

That would be amazing! Most of the stuff in my style guide should be
pretty easy to add in to a generator like that. I'm not much of a
programmer, but I'd be happy to help however I can (testing and
comments, for instance).

> Also, while we’re at it, I’ve long campaigned for a list somewhere of common 
> mistakes that show up in lots of proposals. (Extremely common: CAN/MAY 
> confusion, lack of “by announcement,” switches dumped on the {registrar, 
> prime minister, fat controllor, proposal author}.) In the past I’ve proposed 
> this a time or two as a regulation with some sort of mechanism for ensuring 
> players at least claim they checked it before submitting proposals, but maybe 
> it’d work as just an unofficial document (or an official one that players 
> only SHOULD read).

Hmm, that could work. I could add a section on that to my style guide,
right now it's just formatting stuff.



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