I made several changes, including clarifying that the judiciary has
judicial review over memoranda. I also decided to go in the direction
of making memoranda purely interpretative, because I have other plans
for gamestate changes that have more safeguards. I've allowed them to
be like CFJs or regulations, depending on what's called for. I also
reduced the power to 2.0, to put them on the same level as CFJs. And
so on. In short, there are a lot of changes, and it may just be worth

Title: Administrative Adjudication v2
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris
Co-authors: Gaelan, twg, G., Jason Cobb

[The intended effect of this rule is to give all officers optional
jurisdiction over their area of the game. They may still,
and in all likelihood will, still allow the judiciary to decide many
cases. Even if they don't, the judges still have considerable leeway
to limit administrative overreach.]

Enact a new rule, with power 2.0, entitled "Administrative Adjudication",
with the following text:

  Each officer has the power to, with notice, issue a memorandum,
  which shall consist in a public document and shall, once issued,
  resolve bindingly, by interpretation of law and fact, such matters within
  the officer's area of concern as it may specify, insofar as it is neither
  arbitrary nor capricious. A memorandum may take effect
  immediately, acting like a judicial opinion to resolve matters of present
  concern. Alternatively, it may be a regulation of the office from which it
  issues in which case it shall be in effect continuously until it is repealed
  and be amendable and repealable in like manner to its issuance.

  No memorandum may determine that it or another memorandum is valid,
  or otherwise obviate the power of judicial review of memoranda. Judicial
  authorities shall, insofar as the memoranda concerned are proper, defer
  to them as to matters of both fact and law.

[The Rulekeepor is willing to take on this responsibility, and it
makes considerably more sense than making the officer include a random
section in their report; instead, it keeps all of the rules and regulations
together in one easily accessible place.]

Amend Rule 2493, Regulations, by changing the text

  "Regulations are tracked in their Promulgator's weekly report."
to read
  "Regulations are tracked by the Rulekeepor in a fashion similar to rules."

[Suggested scopes of current offices:
ADoP - Officer elections, whether reports were published, who holds what office
Arbitor - The existence and assignment of CFJs, but not their resolution
Assessor - Votes, resolutions
Comptrollor - Vetos
Distributor - The operation of the lists
Herald - Patent titles, honour, the birthday tournament
Prime Minister - Anything in the jurisdiction of multiple officers
Promotor - Proposals in the pool, distributions
Referee - Fines, but e can't make an invalid fine valid
Registrar - Registration & deregistration, zombie auctions,
Rulekeepor - The state of the rules (e.g. whether proposals worked)
Speaker - Head of State stuff (i.e. nothing)
Tailor - Ribbons
Treasuror - Assets

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