On 1/19/2020 1:36 PM, James Cook via agora-business wrote:
> I sent my notice of intent to the players of Agora in two steps:
> first, through myself, and then, through agora-business in this
> message. So, I have sent it via both myself and a public forum. Since
> it was sent via a public forum, it is a public message under R478, so
> under R478, I have announced it. This satisfies condition 1 of Rule
> 2595.

Our precedents on message timing are pretty messy because we never had
complete agreement there - but I'm pretty sure we set the final send date
based on when the message "left your own control and headed to the PF".
I.e. "sending to yourself" is no different than saving in your drafts folder
and sending later.


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