On 1/18/20 11:07 PM, Alexis Hunt via agora-discussion wrote:
> Ah, I see where we were thinking differently. Yes, I think your idea works
> then, so long as it happens earlier in the week before the officer
> publishes the report and the obligation is live. Once the report is
> published, the obligation is fulfilled until the start of the next week,
> whereupon it would be possible again.
> I think a better way to frame it might be to rephrase in terms of
> obligations. So 1 becomes "There is an obligation on the holder of that
> office, by virtue of holding that office, to perform the action.", 3
> becomes "a time limit applicable to that obligation has been violated", etc.

Sure those make sense (as does as a general statute of limitations).

> While we're here, I think that condition 4 could do with some clean-ups?

What's wrong with condition 4?

Jason Cobb

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