On 1/30/2020 5:36 PM, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion wrote:
> I had an idea for making degrees more interesting. I was thinking that
> the Herald might, for instance, record twg's degree not as "A.N." (if
> it ends up being an A.N.) but as "A.N. in Devious Oratory". We could
> go back and find appropriate subjects for all of the existing degrees
> with surviving theses. This could allow us to give the same individual
> more than 1 instance of the same degree, and generally make the
> process more fun. The change to recording could be done either
> informally or by a rule change, while the more than 1 instance thing
> would of course have to be a rule change. What does everyone think?

I personally prefer the historical feeling of having qualified for the same
degree as past giants in the field.  Maybe that's just an academic thing - I'm
always suspicious when someone's degree is "independent field of study" :)

And even if we went with this for future, I definitely wouldn't want to
retro-engineer titles.

In terms of individual recognition, I think we really should have that thesis
archive up on Agoranomic with a nice index!  No reason the Scroll can't
include links to each thesis or a link to the thesis page - that's where all
the originality lies, after all.

If the degree requires extra recognition, maybe with a concurrent by-acclaim
separate title, like Orator was?

I can see plusses and minuses on the "one instance" thing - could probably go
either way on that one.


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