On Thu, 6 Feb 2020 at 17:58, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
<agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 9:47 AM James Cook via agora-discussion
> <agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, 6 Feb 2020 at 17:34, Jason Cobb via agora-discussion
> > <agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> > > On 2/6/20 12:02 PM, James Cook wrote:
> > > > It's not clear to me your judgement would break self-ratification of
> > > > switch reports. Aris's documents were written in an unusual way: they
> > > > said that at some earlier date, the values of two switch instances
> > > > changed. Self-ratifying switch reports generally just directly say
> > > > what the values of the switches are, so I don't think they get tangled
> > > > up in the problem you consider in your judgement.
> > >
> > > I was referring to the interpretation that only updates the historical
> > > record likely breaking self-ratification. But I agree, the R217 appeal
> > > probably isn't necessary (and was kind of wedged in there as an
> > > afterthought, anyway).
> >
> > I'm not sure that would break it, though. A ratified document saying
> > "switch instance X has value Y" in the present tense pretty clearly
> > forces the minimally modified gamestate to include that switch value
> > in order to be "as true and accurate as possible"; I don't think the
> > historical record comes into it. Aris's documents were instead written
> > as facts about the past.
> Well, technically they were a second in the past, yes. I don't see why
> that changes the situation as far as the history goes though.
> -Aris

Hm... okay, I guess if they had been written as "At this instant, the
fora agora-official and agora-bisuness become discussion fora" then
Jason's judgement would also seem to apply. I guess it's writing it as
"this changed happened" vs "this is the value of the switch" that I
believe would affect whether the issues Jason considers are relevant.

- Falsifian

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