Here's my draft.

I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
quorum is 7, the voting method is AI-majority, and the valid
options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
conditional votes).

ID     Author(s)                AI    Title
8431#  Aris, ais523             1.0   Proposal Reward Trimming
8432*  Aris, Alexis, Falsifian  3.0   The Administrative State
8433#  Aris, [1]                1.5   Simpler Heraldry
8434#  Aris                     1.0   Majoritarian Confidence
8435#  Aris, nch, Trigon        1.0   No Confidence Isn't Personal
8436#  Aris                     2.0   Stately Officiation
8437l  R. Lee, G.               1.0   Guilderoy Lockhart
8438e  R. Lee                   1.0   Tailor Pay
8439#  P.S.S.                   2.0   Termination of Candidacy
8440#  R. Lee, P.S.S.           1.7   0 blots patch

[1] Alexis, Jason, P.S.S.

Proposal pool report: At 05:00 UTC, Monday, June 8, the proposal pool
contained the proposals listed above.

Legend: <ID>* : Democratic proposal.
        <ID># : Ordinary proposal, unset chamber.
        <ID>e : Economy ministry proposal.
        <ID>f : Efficiency ministry proposal.
        <ID>j : Justice ministry proposal.
        <ID>l : Legislation ministry proposal.
        <ID>p : Participation ministry proposal.

The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below. Where
the information shown below differs from the information shown above,
the information shown above shall control.

ID: 8431
Title: Proposal Reward Trimming
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Aris
Co-authors: ais523

[This reduces proposal rewards by removing AI from the calculation.
As it is, an extremely detailed and well developed AI 1.0 proposal
that is adopted unanimously gets fewer coins than an AI 3.0 bug fix.

Note for the Assessor: Since this proposal is AI 1.0, its
reward is the same in both the old and the new systems. Please adjust
your algorithms for future proposals if this passes.]

Amend Rule 2496, "Rewards", by replacing:

  Being the author of an adopted proposal: a number of coins equal to
  ((the total number of valid ballots cast FOR the decision - the total
  number of valid ballots cast AGAINST) times the adoption index of the
  result) rounded up


  Being the author of an adopted proposal: a number of coins equal to
  (the total number of valid ballots cast FOR the decision - the total
  number of valid ballots cast AGAINST)

ID: 8432
Title: The Administrative State
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris
Co-authors: Alexis, Falsifian

Amend Rule 1728, "Dependent Action Methods", by adding as new list item
after the third list item:

  3. with N official consent, where N is an integer multiple of 0.1
     with a minimum of 1 ("With official consent" is shorthand for this
     method with N = 1);
and renumbering the list accordingly.

Amend Rule 2595, "Performing a Dependent Action" by changing the text
"without N objections, with N Agoran consent," to read
"without N objections, with N Agoran consent, with N official consent,"

Amend Rule 2124, "Agoran Satisfaction", by adding as a new item at the end
of the list:

  4. The action is to be performed with N official consent, and the
     number of offices held by Supporters of the intent is less than or equal
     to N times the number of offices held by Objectors to the intent.
  5. The action is to be performed with N official consent, the Prime
     Minister is an Objector, and the Speaker is not a Supporter.

Enact a new power 2.0 rule entitled "The Administrative State", with the
following text:

  Each officer CAN, with 2 official consent, enact, amend, or repeal
  eir's own office's Administrative Regulations. Administrative Regulations
  have the following properties:

  1. An officer SHALL abide by eir office's administrative regulations in
     the discharge of eir office.
  2. Any player CAN act on behalf of an officer to exercise eir official
     powers as authorized by eir office's administrative regulations.
  3. All players SHOULD abide by an officer's administrative regulations
     in matters relating to eir area of responsibility.

ID: 8433
Title: Simpler Heraldry
Adoption index: 1.5
Author: Aris
Co-authors: Alexis, Jason, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

Amend Rule 649, "Patent Titles", by appending to the last paragraph:

  Any player CAN award a specified Patent Title to a specified player,
  as authorized by the Herald's Administrative Regulations.

ID: 8434
Title: Majoritarian Confidence
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Aris

Amend Rule 2463, "Motion of No Confidence", by replacing:

  Any player can cause the office of Prime Minister to become vacant
  with 2 Agoran consent by publishing a message with the character
  string "MOTION OF NO CONFIDENCE" in the subject line.

  Any player can cause the office of Prime Minister to become vacant
  with Agoran consent by publishing a message with the character
  string "MOTION OF NO CONFIDENCE" in the subject line.

ID: 8435
Title: No Confidence Isn't Personal
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Aris

Amend Rule 2463, "Motion of No Confidence", by appending:
  Motions of confidence SHOULD used whenever Agorans want to shake things
  up, rather than as a personal judgement of the Prime Minister.

ID: 8436
Title: Stately Officiation
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Aris

Amend each of Rule 1023 ("Agoran Time"), Rule 2496 ("Rewards"), and
Rule 2602 ("Glitter"), in that order, by changing the text
"in an officially timely fashion" to read "in a stately fashion".

ID: 8437
Title: Guilderoy Lockhart
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: R. Lee
Co-authors: G.

Amend rule 2617 by deleting the last three paragraphs and the first
sentence [nonbinding explanatory note: this would make it forbidden to
attempt an action that would ossify the game, but not forbidden to create
or vote FOR a proposal that would have that effect]

ID: 8438
Title: Tailor Pay
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: R. Lee

Amend rule 2602 by adding on the end "The amount payable for each
type of glitter is tracked in the Tailor's weekly report"

ID: 8439
Title: Termination of Candidacy
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

Amend Rule 2154, "Election Procedure" by changing the paragraph
beginning, "When an election is initiated," to read in full:

  When an election is initiated, it enters the nomination period,
  which lasts for 4 days. After an election is initiated and until
  nominations close, any player CAN become a candidate by
  announcement. A candidate ceases to be a candidate if e ceases to
  be a player during the election or if holding the office would
  make em Overpowered. During the nomination period, a candidate CAN
  cease to be a candidate by announcement if there is at least one
  other candidate.

ID: 8440
Title: 0 blots patch
Adoption index: 1.7
Author: R. Lee
Co-authors: Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

Amend rule 2557 "Sentencing Guidelines" by replacing "- B is at least
1 and at most twice the base value of the violation" with "- B is at most
twice the base value of the violation".


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