the pool also contains my most recent proposal, the one about repealing
summary judgement

On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 6:02 PM Aris Merchant via agora-discussion <> wrote:

> Here's that draft I promised. Time for bed.
> -Aris
> ---
> I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating a referendum on it,
> and removing it from the proposal pool. For this decision, the vote
> collector
> is the Assessor, the quorum is 8, the voting method is AI-majority, and the
> valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
> conditional votes).
> ID     Author(s)                AI    Title
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 8459*  Jason, [1]               3.0   Talismans
> 8460*  G., ais523               3.0   UV-G Sunblock
> 8461#  R. Lee, Aris             2.0   Redoing Adopted Proposals
> 8462*  Jason, Falsifian         3.0   Fee-based methods
> 8463*  Jason                    3.0   Future-proofing black ribbons
> 8464#  R. Lee                   1.0   You can certify, but you can't win
> ever!
> 8465#  Jason, P.S.S.            1.0   Public defense
> 8466#  ATMunn                   1.0   the simple option
> 8467#  Jason, Trigon            2.0   Talismans auction patch
> 8468*  Jason, nch, G.           3.0   Decision resolution patch
> 8469#  Aris, [1]                2.0   Bureaucratic Reengineering
> The proposal pool contains the following proposals:
> Author(s)                AI    Title
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> G.                       3.0   no backdating needed
> omd, nch                 1.0   Reset deadlines when resetting the economy
> nch, G., Trigon          1.0   Sponsored Proposals
> Falsifian, G.            1.0   Contract charities
> Murphy                   1.7   Decriminalization
> Murphy, G.               1.0   Generalized card auctions
> omd                      1.0   Stop disincentivizing bugfixes
> [1] nch, Falsifian
> [2] Alexis, Falsifian, nch, G.
> Legend: <ID>* : Democratic proposal.
>         <ID># : Ordinary proposal, unset chamber.
>         <ID>e : Economy ministry proposal.
>         <ID>f : Efficiency ministry proposal.
>         <ID>j : Justice ministry proposal.
>         <ID>l : Legislation ministry proposal.
>         <ID>p : Participation ministry proposal.
> The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below. Where
> the information shown below differs from the information shown above,
> the information shown above shall control.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8459
> Title: Talismans
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors: nch, Falsifian, G.
> For the purposes of this proposal, a player's prior master is eir master
> before this proposal applies any effects.
> Amend Rule 2532 to read, in whole:
> {
>   A talisman is an indestructible asset, tracked by the Registrar, and
>   with ownership wholly restricted to players and Agora. There exists
>   exactly one talisman for each player, and no other talismans; if one
>   does not exist for a certain player, it is created in eir posession.
>   Talismans CAN only be transferred as explicitly specified by the rules.
>   The creation, destruction, and transfer of talismans is secured.
>   Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, a player CAN, by announcement,
>   transfer the talisman for em to emself. The master of a player is the
>   entity that possesses the talisman for em. A player who is eir own
>   master is active; any other player is a zombie (syn. inactive).
>   The master of a zombie CAN act on behalf of em, except a master CANNOT
>   act on behalf of a zombie to:
>       - initiate, support, object to, or perform a dependent action;
>       - act on behalf of that zombie's zombies;
>       - bid in a zombie auction;
>       - enter a contract, pledge, or other type of agreement;
>       - initiate a Call for Judgement;
>       - create blots;
>       - deregister.
>   If a master causes a zombie to perform an ILLEGAL action, the master
>   commits the Class 4+N Crime of Masterminding (where N is the class of
>   the illegal action).
>   If an active player who was a zombie has not received a Welcome Package
>   since e most recently ceased being a zombie, and if eir resale value was
>   less than 2 at any point during eir most recent time as a zombie, then
>   any player CAN cause em to receive a Welcome Package by announcement.
> }
> Amend Rule 2574 to read, in whole:
> {
>   Any player CAN, with notice, transfer the talisman for an active player
>   who has not made a public announcement in the past 60 days to Agora.
>   Resale value is a secured natural switch for zombies, tracked by the
>   Registrar, with a default value of 2. Whenever the talisman for a zombie
>   is transferred to a player, that zombie's resale value is decreased by
>   1. At the end of a zombie auction, the resale value of every zombie that
>   is an excess lot in that auction decreases by 1.
>   The talisman for a zombie with zero resale value CANNOT be transferred
>   to any player other than that zombie.
>   Any player CAN, with notice:
>       - If a zombie has been a zombie for the past 90 days and not had
>         Agora for a master during any of that time, transfer the talisman
> for
>         em to Agora;
>       - If a player possesses more than one talisman, specify and transfer
>         one of those talismans to Agora;
>       - Deregister a zombie whose resale value is zero and whose master is
>         Agora.
>   The Registrar SHALL track the date for each zombie on which Agora was
>   most recently eir master. The Registrar SHALL perform all POSSIBLE
>   actions in the preceding paragraph in a timely fashion after first
>   reporting their possibility via the facts in eir weekly report.
> }
> Amend Rule 1885 to read, in whole:
> {
>   Whenever a zombie has Agora for a master and has a resale value greater
>   than 0, and when eir talisman is not currently a lot in an auction and
>   has not been won as an auction lot in the past 14 days, then the
>   Registrar CAN put that zombie's talisman (along with any other talismans
>   that fulfill the same conditions) up for auction.
>   In a timely fashion after the beginning of each month, the Registrar
>   SHALL either initiate such an auction or, if no talismans meeting these
>   conditions existed at the beginning of the month, announce that no such
>   auction is necessary.
>   For such an auction, each lot consists of the talisman for one zombie,
>   ordered at the discretion of the Registrar. The Registrar is the
>   auctioneer, and the minimum bid is 1. The method to be used for this
>   auction is the zombie auction method if such a method exists, or
>   otherwise the default auction method.
> }
> Amend Rule 2575 by replacing the final sentence with
>   "Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the talisman for the Distributor
>   is possessed by emself (and is transferred to em if it ever is not), and
>   e CANNOT deregister or be deregistered."
> For each player who is not eir own prior master, transfer the talisman
> for em to eir prior master.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8460
> Title: UV-G Sunblock
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: G.
> Co-authors: ais523
> Amend Rule 2438 (Ribbons) by replacing:
>   Ultraviolet (U): When a person is awarded the Patent Title
>   Champion, that person earns an Ultraviolet Ribbon.
> with:
>   Ultraviolet (U): When a person is awarded the Patent Title
>   Champion, that person earns an Ultraviolet Ribbon, unless
>   the Champion title was awarded as the result of winning
>   the game via this rule.
> Ultraviolet is hereby removed from G.'s Ribbon Ownership.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8461
> Title: Redoing Adopted Proposals
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: R. Lee
> Co-authors: Aris
> Amend rule 2450 "Pledges" by inserting the following sentence after
>  the words "where N is 2 unless the pledge explicitly states otherwise":
> {It is also Oathbreaking for a player to let a pledge expire without taking
>  an action e pledged to do in that pledge. }
> Amend rule 2531 "Defendant's Rights" by renumbering the list items so that
> each item is preceded by a number one above the previous item, except the
> first item which is preceded by the number 1.
> Amend rule 2557 "Sentencing Guidelines" by replacing "where P is the
> minimum of the value of the fine and 3" with "where P is the value of the
> fine"
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8462
> Title: Fee-based methods
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Jason
> Co-authors: Falsifian
> Amend Rule 2579 by replacing the first three paragraphs with the following:
> {
>   If the Rules associate payment of a set of assets (hereafter the fee for
>   the action; syns: cost, price, charge) with performing an action, that
>   method for performing that action is a fee-based method.
>   If the fee is a non-integer quantity of a fungible asset, the actual fee
>   is the next highest integer amount of that asset.
>   To use a fee-based method, an entity (the Actor) who is otherwise
>   permitted to perform the action must announce that e is performing the
>   action; the announcement must specify the correct set of assets for the
>   fee and indicate intent to pay that fee for the sole purpose of using
>   that method to perform that action.
> }
> and replacing the final paragraph with the following:
> {
>   If a fee-based method to perform an action has a fee of no assets, that
>   action CAN be performed by announcement, but the actor SHOULD announce
>   that there was a 0 or empty fee.
> }
> [Inspired by Falsifian pointing out that winning the game is/was a
> fee-based action, which might have meant that all attempts to win the
> game required a fee. This removes actions being fee-based and instead
> makes methods fee-based. This change is also designed to keep all
> protections and (hopefully) protect existing precedent for fee-based
> actions.]
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8463
> Title: Future-proofing black ribbons
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Jason
> Co-authors:
> Amend Rule 2438 (Ribbons) by replacing the text "An Instrument CAN, as
> part of its effect" with the text "A statute CAN, as part of its effect".
> [Legislative intent is that black ribbons are to be awarded for a
> dictatorship of any power. The current wording does not reflect this -
> it instead permits black ribbons to be awarded for controlling a body of
> law. Since part of the idea of bodies of law was to expand them to
> regulations and contracts, this is a ticking time-bomb that could result
> in giving black ribbons to anybody capable of forming a contract.]
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8464
> Title: You can certify, but you can't win ever!
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors:
> Amend rule 2626 "Certifiable Patches" to read, in full "Any player
> CAN, by announcement, certify a specified proposal, causing it to become
> pending. A player SHALL NOT do so. Doing so is the Class-25 crime of
> Legislative Misconduct. The amount of Blots given for this crime SHOULD be
> significantly reduced in and only in cases of utter and manifest necessity"
> Retitle rule 2626 to "Costly Certification"
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8465
> Title: Public defense
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: Jason
> Co-authors: Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
> Amend Rule 2617 (Defense Against the Dark Arts) by replacing "Attempting
> a forbidden action" with "Publicly attempting a forbidden action".
> [This makes joke attempts to a-d or attempts outside of Agora not
> punishable.]
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8466
> Title: the simple option
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: ATMunn
> Co-authors:
> Repeal Rule 2626 "Certifiable Patches".
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8467
> Title: Talismans auction patch
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: Jason
> Co-authors: Trigon
> Amend Rule 1885 by deleting the sentence beginning "The method to be
> used for this auction".
> [This fixes a specification bug in the talismans proposal, since
> auctions are now supposed to have their method determined by the
> auctioneer, rather than a rule. If talismans has not been adopted, then
> this will have no effect.]
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8468
> Title: Decision resolution patch
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Jason
> Co-authors: nch, G.
> Amend Rule 208 by replacing the text "To be valid, this announcement
> must satisfy the following conditions" with the text "To be EFFECTIVE,
> such an attempt must satisfy the following conditions".
> [This resolves a potential bug that *may* permit the vote collector of a
> decision to resolve it without adhering to the conditions in the
> numbered list of Rule 208 based on the precise wording of how the
> conditions are enforced. The argument that they don't work is that the
> sentence doesn't sufficiently override R208's earlier statement that
> "The vote collector for an unresolved Agoran decision CAN resolve it by
> announcement, indicating the outcome.", because it describes the
> announcement, rather than the attempt itself.
> Even if that interpretation is wrong, there is enough of an ambiguity
> that it should be resolved. The new wording makes this clearer by
> describing the /attempt/ as INEFFECTIVE (clearly overriding the earlier
> CAN) rather than the "announcement".]
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8469
> Title: Bureaucratic Reengineering
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors: Alexis, Falsifian, nch, G.
> If there is a rule entitled "The Administrative State" amend it to have the
> text labelled "NEW TEXT" below. Otherwise, enact a new power 2.0 rule
> entitled
> "The Administrative State", with the text labelled "NEW TEXT" below.
>   Each officer CAN, with 1.5 Agoran consent, enact, amend, or repeal
>   eir own office's Administrative Regulations. If e has won an election for
>   the office in the last 7 days, e CAN repeal them by announcement.
>   Administrative Regulations have the following properties:
>   1. An officer SHALL NOT violate eir office's administrative regulations
> in
>      the discharge of eir office.
>   2. Any player CAN act on behalf of an officer to exercise eir official
>      powers as authorized by eir office's administrative regulations.
>   3. All players SHOULD abide by an officer's administrative regulations
>      in matters relating to eir area of responsibility.
>   }
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> Title: no backdating needed
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: G.
> Co-authors:
> Amend Rule 1607 (Distribution) by replacing:
>   The Promotor's report includes a list of all proposals in the
>   Proposal Pool
> with:
>   The Promotor's report includes a list of all proposals that were
>   in the Proposal Pool at the beginning of the current Agoran week
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> Title: Reset deadlines when resetting the economy
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: omd
> Co-authors: nch
> Retitle Rule 2621 (VP Wins) to "Economic Victory", and amend it by
> replacing:
>   If a player has at least 20 more Victory Points than any other
>   player, e CAN win by announcement. When a player wins this way,
>   all Cards and all Products are destroyed. Then each non-zombie
>   player is granted 1 card of each type.
> with:
>   If a player has at least 20 more Victory Points than any other
>   player, e CAN trigger an Economic Victory by announcement,
>   causing em to win the game.
>   When an Economic Victory occurs, all Cards and all Products are
>   destroyed; then each non-zombie player is granted 1 card of each
>   type.
> Amend Rule 2624 (Card Administration) by replacing:
>   An officer CAN, once per month and by announcement, grant another
>   player a specified type of card under the following conditions:
> with:
>   An officer CAN grant another player a specified type of card by
>   announcement under the following conditions:
> and by adding this bullet point between the first and second ones:
>   * e has not already granted the same type of card this way since
>     the start of the Agoran month or the last Economic Victory,
>     whichever is later,
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> Title: Sponsored Proposals
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: nch
> Co-authors: G., Trigon
> Amend R2622, "Pending Proposals", to read in full:
>   Pended is an untracked negative boolean proposal switch.
>   Any player CAN pay 1 Pendant to flip the Pended switch of a
>   specified proposal to True. If the player did not create the
>   proposal and is not listed in the list of co-authors of the
>   proposal, e is added to the list of co-authors. When e does so,
>   the proposal becomes sponsored.
>   The Promotor CAN, with 2+X support, flip the Pended switch of a
>   proposal in the Proposal Pool to true. For this, X is equal to the
>   number of times e has done so in the past 7 days.
>   Any player CAN, without objection, flip the Pended switch of a
>   proposal in the Proposal Pool to true.
>   A proposal with a Pended switch set to True is 'pending'.
> Repeal R2626 "Certifiable Patches".
> Amend R2623, "Popular Proposal Proposer Privilege", by replacing:
>   The player who proposed the adopted proposal whose referendum had
>   the greatest popularity among all referenda assessed in the last 7
>   days CAN once earn one Legislative Card by announcement, provided
>   that no referendum initiated in the same message as it remains
>   unresolved. If there is a tie, all authors of the tied proposals
>   can do so once each.
> with:
>   The author of the most popular sponsored proposal adopted in the
>   last 7 days CAN once earn one Legislative Card by announcement,
>   provided that no referenda initiated in the same message as it
>   remain unresolved. If there is a tie, all authors of the tied
>   proposals can do so once each.
> Amend R2496, "Rewards", by replacing "an adopted proposal" with "an
> adopted sponsored proposal".
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> Title: Contract charities
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: Falsifian
> Co-authors: G.
> [Comment: The original version was by G..]
> Enact the following rule, Charities:
>   Donation Level is a natural switch for contracts, tracked by the
>   Notary, with a default of 0 and a maximum of 25.  A contract with
>   nonzero donation level is called a Charity.
>   The Notary CAN flip a contract's donation level to a non-default
>   value with 3 Agoran consent.  This SHOULD only be done if the
>   contract's provisions ensure that its funds will be used solely
>   for the betterment of Agora.  Any player CAN flip a contract's
>   donation level to 0 with Agoran consent.
>   Whenever a payday occurs, half of each charity's coin holdings
>   (rounded down) are destroyed, and then each charity earns a
>   number of coins equal to its donation level.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> Title: Decriminalization
> Adoption index: 1.7
> Author: Murphy
> Co-authors: G.
> Amend Rule 2557 (Sentencing Guidelines) by replacing
>   "Class N Crime"
> with
>   "Class N Crime" or "Class N Infraction"
> and by replacing
>   inconsequential infraction.
> with
>   inconsequential violation.
> Amend Rule 2619 (Indictment) by replacing "crime" with "violation".
> Amend Rule 2626 (Certifiable Patches) by replacing "unless its sole
> function is" with "unless e reasonably believes its sole function is".
> [In addition to quibbles about "sole function", this also covers cases
> like "I thought X was a minimal fix until someone suggested Y as an
> alternative.]
> Amend Rule 2143 (Official Reports and Duties) by replacing "Crime of
> Tardiness" with "Infraction of Tardiness".
> [This leaves Making My Eyes Bleed as a Crime.]
> [For reference, here are other SHALL NOTs that are not explicitly
> defined as Crimes. The only functional purpose of such a definition
> is that it can change the base fine from its default of 2, however
> we may want to explicitly define some as Infractions to indicate that
> they're generally not considered Seriously Immoral.
> Rule 1607 (Distribution), Promotor distributing non-pending proposal
> Rule 2619 (Indictment), fining a rejected indictment (should also be
> changed from passive to active)
> Rule 911 (Motions and Moots), Arbitor reassigning a remitted judge
> when another eligible judge expressed interest
> Rule 2175 (Judicial Retraction and Excess), making excess CFJs
> Rule 2471 (No Faking), lying
> Rule 2466 (Acting on Behalf), making someone else violate the rules
> ]
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> Title: Stop disincentivizing bugfixes
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: omd
> Co-authors:
> Amend Rule 2626 (Certifiable Patches) by removing:
>   that relates to a) an office e holds; or b) a CFJ, open within the last
>   week, of which e is the judge
> and by removing:
>   5. A problem relates to an office if it plausibly affects the area
>      of the game the office is responsible for and relates to a CFJ
>      if it could plausibly be interpreted to affect that CFJ's
>      outcome.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

>From R. Lee

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