On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 11:05 AM Cuddle Beam via agora-business
<agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> Thanks for pointing that out! I amend "The Plunder Partnership" to read in
> full:
> -----
> The Plunder Partnership
> ‍☠️ WHO WE BE
> The Plunder Partnership is also known as the Plundership. A party to this
> contract is known as a Pirate. Any person who is not in Davy Jones’ Locker
> can become a Pirate. Any Pirate can make themselves cease to be one by
> announcement.
> Any person who has objected to a transferral of coins from the Lost and
> Found Department to the Plundership are in Davy Jones’ Locker. A person in
> Davy Jones’ Locker cannot become a Pirate, and they immediately cease to be
> a Pirate if they already were one.
> Doubloons are a destructible asset that can only belong to Pirates. When an
> amount of coins is transferred to the Plundership, each Pirate gains an
> amount of Doubloons equal to the amount transferred divided by the amount
> of Pirates, rounded down. A Pirate with at least 1 Doubloon can transfer 1
> coin to themselves from the Plundership. Doing so destroys 1 Doubloon in
> their possession.

What happens to pirates who newly join? This also allows plunder to be
stuck in the contract when someone ceases to be a pirate while holding
doubloons and when one transfers an amount not divisible by the number
of Pirates.

> ‍☠️ PARLEY
> Any Pirate can propose a Parley by announcement, which describes amendments
> to this contract. If at least 2/3rds (rounded up) of all Pirates consent to
> the Parley’s contents, this contract is amended according to the Parley.

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