On 6/28/2020 12:22 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:> On 6/28/2020 12:14 PM, Jason
Cobb via agora-discussion wrote:>> On 6/28/20 3:11 PM, Edward Murphy via
agora-business wrote:>>> [Pending fees are fine and all, but only three
new Legislative Cards>>> per month seems a bit low. This would at least
raise that to four.]>>>>>> Officers can actually only give two legislative
cards right now (since>> I'm both Assessor and Rulekeepor), but the R2623
provides (at least)>> four additional cards per month.> > +1/3 for each of
PM and Speaker (if they were picking at random)
but I like the addition in Murphy's proposal, because I think more lots
make better auctions (fewer lots increases gerontocracy as it favors the
richer), and 1 extra card of variable type could make for interesting
auctions if rare types are chosen.


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