On 6/28/20 9:43 PM, James Cook via agora-discussion wrote:
> Sorry, I didn't get around to reading these until now. Thanks for
> going to the effort to write these! Comments inline.
>> 4. The judge is the final arbitor on matters of this tournament, and eir
>> decisions can overturned if and only if a CFJ finds eir decisions were
> "can overturned"


>> 8. At any time, any Contestant CAN submit a Proposal to change the rules
>> by announcement. Any Contestant CAN withdraw any Proposal e has
>> submitted by announcement. When a Proposal has been submitted but not
>> withdrawn, any Contestant other than the Proposer CAN privately send a
>> vote to the Judge. When a Proposal has received at least three
>> non-withdrawn votes in favor, the Judge SHALL, in a timely fashion, and
>> CAN enact the proposal by publishing the new text of the regulations and
>> the number of votes in favor and against. The Judge SHALL NOT reveal the
>> votes of specific Contestants.
> Will this bog down the game once four players are eliminated from the
> board but have majority voting power?

Yes, so I've modified it.

>> 10. Contestants SHALL NOT offer favors outside of this Tournament in
>> order to influence the outcome of it. Contestants CAN and SHOULD lie and
>> engage in deceit for personal gain.
> I think it would be good to forbid pledges, contracts or any other
> enforcable agreements too.


>> 16. Each turn represents six months of time. The first turn is called a
>> Spring turn and the next a Fall turn. After each Fall turn, each Great
>> Power must reconcile the number of units it controls with the number of
>> supply centers it controls. At this time some units are removed and new
>> ones are built. After a Fall turn, if one Great Power controls 18 or
>> more supply centers, all other Contestants cease to be Contestants.
> Maybe add "as specified elsewhere in these regulations" after "new
> ones are built"? I was confused when I first read this regulation that
> it's e.g. missing the requirement that you only build at home.


> Also, I didn't realize I'm supposed to include this as conditionals in
> my orders for the turn until re-reading. You might want to remind
> players.

I'll include a reminder.

>> 19. If two units of equal strength or which are equally supported are
>> trying to occupy the same province, all remain where they began. If two
>> or more units are ordered to the same province, none of them can move.
> Shouldn't the one with more support win?

Yes, fixed

>> If two units are each ordered to the province that the other occupies,
>> neither can move.
> Same (or is my Diplomacy knowledge rusty?)

My understanding is that this is correct.

>> If an attack is successful, the attacking unit moves
>> into the province to which it was ordered. If the unit that was attacked
>> had no orders of its own to move elsewhere, it’s defeated and dislodged
>> from the province. The dislodged unit must retreat or be disbanded.
> "Attack" isn't defined. Would it make sense to phrase more neutrally
> in terms of "move"?
> - Falsifian

These changes are significant enough that I'll do a new version, my
apologies for rushing this, but I'll allow more discussion first.

Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, Herald, Referee, Tailor, Pirate
Champion, Badge of the Great Agoran Revival, Badge of the Salted Earth

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