On Tuesday, 30 June 2020, 22:16:48 GMT+1, ATMunn via agora-discussion 
<agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> On 6/30/2020 5:09 PM, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion wrote:
> > I'm working on a proposal to deal with hidden actions (such a G.'s burried
> > vote). It'll also handle cases where the identity of the player sending a
> > message is unclear. I'm done drafting the core, but I need to handle some
> > technical and confirming amendments; I should have a proto out in the next
> > day or two. Just letting everyone know so we avoid duplication of effort.
> aww man, I was going to try to bury an apathy intent

We fixed that ages ago. A strong part of the motivation for the Win by Apathy 
rule was to help us ensure that we'd end up fixing any dependent action scams 
that might potentially end up doing more damage.

For what it's worth, several years ago, I buried an intent in the (very long, 
under the customs of the time) Registrar's Report, but Apathy didn't exist at 
the time, so I used the buried intent to make an IRC channel into a public 
forum (which is at least relevant to the Registrar's Report). So buried-intent 
scams go back a long way, and it's not surprising they've been comprehensively 
fixed by now.

(Of course, part of the nature of Agora is that even well-established fixes 
tend to get randomly broken from time to time.)


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