at 11:36 PM, Gaelan Steele via agora-discussion <> wrote:

Hey all,

I just fixed, which appears to have gotten broken by some reorganization of the ruleset repo. It looks like it might be intermittently running into some GitHub API bug (possibly because you're not supposed to download as much as I am with a single request)—I'll monitor that and look into alternate solutions (like using a git clone instead of their API). Anyway, for the time being, it works.


In case you have time to develop this further, I’d love to have the ability to view old versions of rules and diffs between versions.

Admittedly, that’s a big ask. Ideally there would be history going back further than the current Git repo, but getting that requires parsing multiple data sources, which are sometimes fragmentary and even contradictory. I speak from experience: in the past, I worked on two different tools for this purpose, but I never really completed either of them. Maybe I should actually finish one of them, rather than hoping someone will do the job for me… :) But I’m suggesting it here because I’m it fits well with the idea of a ruleset viewer application.

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