On 7/25/2020 9:15 AM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus wrote:
> On 7/25/20 11:54 AM, Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion wrote:
>> On 7/25/2020 6:33 AM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus wrote:
>>> As France has been eliminated, it is with great sadness that I cause R.
>>> Lee to cease to be a Contestant in the 2020 Birthday Tournament,
>>> pursuant to Regulation BT2.
>> H. Judge Publius,
>> I'd like to ask for a clarification here that doesn't make a difference
>> now, but might later.
>> In classic diplomacy terms, a player is eliminated when e loses all eir
>> supply centers?  In this case, France was eliminated by those standards
>> before the proposals were resolved, not after, and proposal resolution is
>> "only after resolving moves and unit adjustments for that turn."  So by
>> that classic elimination definition (being part of unit adjustments)
>> France's votes would not have counted for this past batch of proposals and
>> "half the contestants" would be 3 not 3.5.  I'm sure that doesn't change
>> this turn's proposal results, but it might in the future.
>> More generally, I'm also noting that "eliminated" or a synonym aren't
>> defined in any of the mutable rules at all (unless I'm missing it).  So
>> we're wholly relying on the concept of "supply center elimination = player
>> elimination", but it's squishy and not defined.  For example, with
>> Turkey's new powers, it implies that "support one Fleet" might be enough
>> to keep em in the game, depending on how "elimination" is defined (supply
>> centers versus supported pieces).
>> The most reliable reading is probably "elimination is only when the
>> Gamemaster removes a Contestant by announcement" but that leaves it wholly
>> undefined in terms of practical game play, you could have ruled that
>> France was off the board, but not eliminated from voting and still been
>> consistent (we could still vote to bring em back, after all!) - or you
>> could eliminate anyone when you felt like it, not that you would!
>> So overall, just looking for some clarity on how you will consider
>> "elimination" (both conditions and timing)?
>> Ciao,
>> Italy.
> I thought about this, and I obviously can't address whether it would
> have made a difference in this specific instance, but generally my
> interpretation was that if someone had not been eliminated during a turn
> of voting, eir votes should count, therefore I decided that I would
> eliminate them, which only occurs manually and is simply conceptually
> connected to a lack of supply centers, after all other steps. If
> supplyless countries get a role, I will ad R. Lee back and not remove
> future Contestants, but the intent was that once a Contestant could no
> longer submit orders, e would be removed. If a proposal changed that
> though, I'd have no objection. To address the specific issue of Turkey,
> I would not cause em to cease to be a Contestant. If any other country
> were given a role after loss of supply, I would also allow them to
> remain or cause them to return to being a Contestant. For that matter,
> you could create new countries.

Thanks! Under the current rules anyway, "no possible orders to submit
(after proposals are resolved)" seems like a good, clear conditional to
work with.


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