On 10/10/2020 3:37 AM, Gaelan Steele via agora-discussion wrote:
> Preliminary notes:
> All but one player (per registrar report) is definitely subscribed to a-d, 
> with message delivery on. That leaves Tyler (who briefly showed up in June), 
> who is not listed on a-d's member list

I think it's important to go for general principles here.  Is it beyond a
reasonable effort to determine this every time it happens?  For example, I
had delivery from DIS turned off for a couple weeks of September.  If
someone is turned on to "digest mode" so doesn't get the delivery right
away, how does that affect it?  (given that delays in delivery can stop
something from being public).

My feeling is that the evidence should be right there and presented - if
the players names aren't in the "to" line, we shouldn't assume that
everyone received it, as a matter of principle.


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