On 10/17/20 1:09 AM, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion wrote:
> Here's my proposal that I've told you all so much about. I've left a
> few comments, but things should hopefully be pretty straightforward.
> It is quite possible things need some wordsmithing or adjustment.
> That's why this is a draft! I hope you all enjoy.
> -Aris
> ---
> Title: The Buoyant Economy
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-author(s): nix, Trigon, G., Jason
> Enact a new power 1.0 rule, entitled "Buoyancy Control", with the following
> text:
>    The Total Buoyancy is a singleton integer switch, tracked by the
>    the Treasuror in eir monthly report.
>    The Treasuror CAN set the Total Buoyancy to a value approximately equal to
>    the sum of all coin balances at some point within the first Eastman week of
>    the current month. E SHALL endeavor to calculate the correct sum for
>    eir chosen point and SHALL set the Total Buoyancy once a month.
No actual method for the CAN.
>    The Treasuror CAN and MAY exercise reasonable judgement in calculating the
>    sum. The Total Buoyancy will be deemed set so long as the value chosen by
>    the Treasuror is not obviously and grossly incorrect. The Treasuror CAN and
>    MAY set the Total Buoyancy more than once a month, but SHOULD NOT do so 
> unless
>    there is reason to believe eir previous setting of the value failed.
> [The divisor, 2500, was selected based on some testing suggesting that
> it would work well at meeting the dual goals of promoting social
> mobility and keeping inflation manageable. It is, of course, subject
> to discussion.
> Re the term boatloads, which may be the best part of this, I want to
> thank nix and G. for pointing me in the right direction, and most of all
> Trigon for suggesting the term.]
> Enact a new power 1.0 Rule entitled "Floating Rates", with the
> following text:
>    The Unit of Flotation is equal to 1/2500 times the Total Buoyancy,
>    unrounded. A boatload of something is a quantity of that thing equal in
>    count to the Unit of Floatation. When a quantity of assets is
>    expressed in boatloads, it is generally rounded up to the nearest whole
>    asset.
The last sentence sounds descriptive when I think it's meant to be 
prescriptive. I'd change it to "When the rules refer to boatloads of an 
asset, it is rounded up to the next whole number of that asset." or 
something similar.
>    The Floating Rate Schedule is part of the Treasuror's monthly report. It
>    contains the Total Buoyancy, the Unit of Flotation, and the expanded value
>    of every quantity in a rule or regulation expressed in boatloads. The
>    Treasuror is ENCOURAGED to also consider including quantities in contracts
>    expressed in boatloads. The Treasuror SHOULD publish the Floating Rate
>    Schedule immediately after setting the Total Buoyancy.
>    When a person is taking an action that is defined in terms of boatloads, e
>    SHOULD include the amounts in both boatloads and the underlying unit.
> [This means that the changes don't really take effect until the Treauror
> publishes the first Floating Rate Schedule.]
> Set the Total Buoyancy to 2500.
> [This incorporates Trigon's proto, "End monthly officer stipends".]
> Amend Rule 2559 "Paydays" so it reads:
>    Whenever a Payday occurs, each active player earns 10 boatloads of coins.
>    The occurrence of Paydays is secured. At the beginning of each
>    month, a Payday occurs.
> [There is literally no reason Agora should ever have any coins.]
> Revoke all coins from Agora.
> Amend Rule 2483, Economics, by changing
>    "They can be owned by Agora, players, and contracts."
> to read
>    "They can be owned by players and contracts."
> Amend Rule 2496, "Rewards", by replacing each instance of "coins" with
> "boatloads of coins".
> Amend Rule 2499, "Welcome Packages", by replacing "coins" with "boatloads
> of coins".
> Amend Rule 2602, "Glitter", by replacing "coins" with "boatloads of coins".
> Amend Rule 2631, "Charities", by replacing "coins" with "boatloads of coins".
> [This one is phrased like this in case some version of ATMunn's birthday
> proposal passes.]
> Amend Rule 2585, "Birthday Gifts", by replacing each instance of "coins" with
> "boatloads of coins".


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