On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 12:10:43PM -0500, ATMunn via agora-discussion wrote:
> On 11/16/2020 3:19 PM, Lucidiot via agora-official wrote:
> > Archived at
> > https://github.com/AgoraNomic/Reportor/tree/master/weekly_summaries
> > 
> > Below is the report for the week of 2020-11-09..15:
> > 
> > 
> > # Summary
> > 
> > Welcome Shy Owl, for real this time!
> > 
> > This week starts in silence, enough to make some wonder if the lists are
> > working. A burst of activity happened with the first stone auction and
> > bugfixes on stone rules. Some ratified mistakes get fixed and Falsifian
> > finally gets some coworkers at the Agoran Press. Meanwhile,
> > 
> > # Voting
> > 
> > * Voting concludes on Proposal 8522 (cleanup of Rule 2531).
> > 
> > * Voting begins on Proposal 8523, a fix for the Concentration Stone in
> > Rule 2645 (see "Stones" below).
> > 
> > # New players
> > 
> > * Shy Owl registers. Thread: "Intention to Register"
> > 
> > # Stones
> > 
> > * The Stonemason initiates the first stone auction. Thread:
> > "[Stonemason] Throwing Stones"
> > 
> > * Aris, nix and Jason submit and pend a proposal to fix Rule 2645, as a
> > player with an Economy Focus and a Concentration Stone could earn over
> > 700 coins in a month. Aris, as Promotor, distributes it immediately.
> > Thread: "[Proposal] Emergency Economy Unbreaking"
> > 
> > * nix submits a proposal to tidy up Rule 2643 and prevent stealing
> > stones from Agora using the Soul Stone. Thread: "[Proposal] Agora's
> > Stones Are Immune"
> > 
> > # Rule questions
> > 
> > * Does a "SHALL" in an auction regulation constitute a pledge? CFJ 3888
> > gets assigned to nix.
> > 
> > * Is the Webmastor an office? Jason judges CFJ 3889 TRUE after noticing
> > a mistake was made when applying Proposal 8388. Threads: "CFJ",
> > "[Arbitor] CFJ 3889 Assigned to Jason [attn. Notary]"
> > 
> > # Meta
> > 
> > * lucidiot and Murphy join the Agoran Press, and Murphy unsuccessfully
> > attempts to take next week's assignment. Thread: "@Treasuror [Agoran
> > Press Editor] Payroll and Salary Claim"
> > 
> > * The Agoran Press follows the inflation updates and switches to
> > boatloads of coins. Thread: "@Notary [Agoran Press] Giving myself a raise"
> > 
> > # Miscellaneous
> > 
> > * Jason transfers the talismans of Tyler, Zyborg, Fred and Shelvacu to
> > Agora, then announces intent to deregister em. Threads: "Zombification
> > [attn. Shelvacu]", "[Registrar] Expedited export"
> > 
> > * nix ratifies without objection that e owns three pendants missing from
> > the Treasuror's reports. Thread: "@Treasuror RWO Asset Recovery"
> > 
> > * Murphy announces intent to award the Patent Title of Hard Labor to
> > Publius Scribonius Scholasticus for eir work as Referee, Tailor and
> > Herald. Thread: "Intent to award Patent Title [attn Herald]"
> > 
> I didn't even notice that this wasn't done by Falsifian until today.
> Well done!
> -- 
> ATMunn
> friendly neighborhood notary and Prime Minister of Agora :)

Yes, great job acclimatising so quickly to our quirks and unique


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