> Statement from Aris:
> This wasn't brought up on list at the time of the proto, and I'm sorry
> about that. That said... this is really hard to read. Like, I don't
> generally mind doing mental diffs for rules that are a paragraph long
> or something. But expecting people to do mental diffs for some of the
> longest rules in the game is a bit much?
> -Aris

I found one typo: toward the ond, "with N Agora consent".

FWIW other than that the proto looks good to me, but I didn't read it
super-carefully. I think it is a bit cleaner than the current text. I
like the fact that it clarifies that you can't re-support or re-object
after withdrawing; it didn't even occur to me that that might be the
case until it came up a few months ago and people said they were
interpreting it that way.

Describing it terms of differences might be complicated. In case it's
helpful, here's the output of wdiff between the old and new text. [-
... -] stuff is removed and {+ ... +} stuff is added.

Performing a Dependent Action

      A rule that purports to allow a person (the performer) to perform
      an action by a set of one or more dependent actions thereby allows
      em to perform the action by announcement if all of the following
      are true:

      1. A person (the initiator) published an announcement of intent
         that unambiguously, clearly, conspicuously, and without
         obfuscation specified the action intended to be taken and the
         method(s) to be [-used;

      2. The announcement referenced in paragraph (1) of this Rule
         unambiguously, clearly, conspicuously, and without obfuscation
         states:-] {+used, including these values if relevant:+}

           * {+If+} the [-value of T, if the-] action is to be taken with T 

         *-] {+notice, then+} the value
             of [-N, if N is not equal to 1 and-] {+T.

           * If+} the action is to be taken without N objections, with N
             support, or with N Agoran [-Consent;

      3.-] {+Consent, and N is not equal to 1,
             then the value of N.

      2.+} The {+time between the+} announcement [-referenced in paragraph 
(1)-] of [-this Rule was

         * within-] {+intent and+} the [-14 days preceding the action, if the-] 
action is [-to
           be performed with N support;

         * between 4 and-]
         {+at most+} 14 [-days preceding-] {+days. In addition:

           * If+} the [-action, if the-] action is to be [-performed-] 
{+taken+} without N [-objections,-] {+objections or+} with N
             Agoran consent,
           [-or with notice; or-] {+then it is at least 4 days.+}

           * [-between T and 14 days preceding-] {+If+} the [-action, if the-] 
action is to be [-performed-] {+taken+} with T [-notice;

      4.-] {+notice, then it is at
             least T (minimum of 4 days).

      3.+} At least one of the following is true:

           * [-the-] {+The+} performer is the [-initiator;-] {+initiator.+}

           * [-the-] {+The+} initiator was authorized to perform the action due 
             holding a rule-defined position now held by the [-performer;
             or-] {+performer.+}

           * [-the-] {+The+} initiator is authorized to perform the action, the
             action depends on support, the performer has supported the
             intent, and the rule authorizing the performance does not
             explicitly prohibit supporters from performing [-it;

      5.-] {+it.

      4.+} Agora is Satisfied with the announced intent, as defined by
         other [-Rules; and

      6. The conditions are all met, if any conditions were stated in-] {+Rules.

      5. If+} the announcement of intent [-referenced in paragraph (1) of this

      The performer SHOULD publish a list of supporters and objectors if-] 
{+stated any conditions, then those
         conditions are all met.

      If+} the action is to be taken with N Agoran [-consent.-] {+consent, then 
      performer SHOULD publish a list of supporters and objectors.+}

Agoran Satisfaction

      A Supporter of an intent to perform an action is an eligible
      entity who has publicly posted (and not withdrawn) support for an
      announcement of that intent.

      An Objector to an intent to perform an action is an eligible
      entity who has publicly posted (and not withdrawn) an objection to
      the announcement of that intent.

      The entities eligible to support or object to an intent to perform
      an action are, by default, all players, subject to modification by
      the document authorizing the dependent action. However, the
      previous sentence notwithstanding, the initiator of the intent is
      not eligible to support [-it.-] {+it, and a person CANNOT support or 
      to an announcement of intent before the intent is announced, or
      after e has withdrawn the same type of response.+}

      Agora is Satisfied with an intent to perform a specific action
      unless at least one of the following is true:

      1. The action is to be performed [-Without-] {+without+} N objections, 
and there
         are at least N Objectors to that intent.

      2. The action is to be performed [-With-] {+with+} N support, and there 
         fewer than than N Supporters of that intent.

      3. The action is to be performed with N Agoran consent, and the
         number of Supporters of [-the-] {+that+} intent is less than or equal 
to N
         times the number of Objectors to [-the-] {+that+} intent.

      {+4.+} The [-above notwithstanding, if an-] action is to be performed 
without N objections or with N [-Agoran-]
         {+Agora+} consent, and an objection to [-an-] {+that+} intent [-to 
perform it has been-] {+was+} withdrawn
         within the past 24 [-hours,
      then Agora is not Satisfied with that intent.-] {+hours.

      5.+} The [-above notwithstanding, Agora is not satisfied with an intent
      if the-] Speaker [-has-] objected to [-it in-] {+that intent within+} the 
[-last-] {+past+} 48 hours.

      [-A person CANNOT support or object to an announcement of intent
      before the intent is announced, or after e has withdrawn the same
      type of response.-]


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