On 6/8/2021 8:37 AM, Jason Cobb via agora-discussion wrote:
> On 6/8/21 11:30 AM, Kerim Aydin via agora-official wrote:
>>       The Mad Engineer CAN act on behalf of
>>       the device to take any action that the device may take, and
>>       SHALL act on behalf of the device to ensure that the device
>>       fulfills all of its duties.
> Does this work?
> Rule 2466:
>>       When a rule allows one person (the agent) to act on behalf of
>>       another (the principal) to perform an action, that agent CAN
>>       perform the action if it is POSSIBLE for the principal to do so,
>>       taking into account any prerequisites for the action.
> Unless you're planning to make the device a person, Rule 2466 doesn't
> provide a method.

Oh oops the peril of drafting on the fly - well if it passes there's time
to patch before the device has anything it can do.

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