On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 01:42:30PM +0000, D. Wet wrote:
> Hello fellow Agorans,
> You probably have seen that I took some actions on the business list. My
> ambition is to learn to play by doing, not by asking someone to spell out
> what I SHOULD do. I do read the rules and observe what others are doing.
> Based on my understanding, I just try stuff that might work.
> If this way of working causes to much noise in your established processes,
> please let me know. Then I will ask someone to guide me.
> --
> D. Wet
> Nomica.nl

That is a good way to play. If you do something other people don't
expect, that's even better, because it keeps things interesting.

Normally this kind of email would go to the agora-discussion list. The
reason is that you might accidentally take actions if you send your
message to a public forum (as you did) and the message seems to contain
actions. However, you are not annoying anyone (at least, not me) by
sending it to a public forum --- you're just risking your own safety in
the game, which is more fun for everyone ;-)

BTW, a lot of discussion happens on IRC/Discord these days. Joining
those is completely optional, though; email discussion is still fine
(and I personally prefer it for most topics).


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