tir. 21. mar. 2023 kl. 08:00 skrev Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion <

> ...
> That’s actually covered by R2603 which kicks in if the switch has neither
> an associated officer nor the explicit word “untracked”.  I think the only
> question is whether it makes the “assistant” synonymous with the “tracker
> of” office that R2603 would create.
> Rule 2603/0
> Switch Responsibility
>       For each type of switch that would otherwise lack an officer to
>       track it, and is not defined as untracked, there exists an imposed
>       office named “Tracker of [switch name]” that is responsible for
>       tracking that switch.

But... assets aren't switches?
Deputy(AKA FAKE) referee, Deputy(AKA FAKE) webmastor
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