nix via agora-discussion [2023-03-29 11:12]:
> Honestly just kinda curious what people use, but I figured it might also
> just be helpful to have more clarity. I'll compile the results in a week.
> {
> 2023 Agora Nomic Technology and Accessibility Poll
> --------------------------------------------------
> For each question please first give a basic quantifiable answer (unless it
> is open-ended). You can optionally give more detail after it.
> Basic Access
> ------------
> 1. What email client(s) do you use to access Agora?

neomutt, K9
> 2. How often do you check agora emails?

Everyday, though most actions taken only on monday
> 3. How often do you access the Discord?

> 4. How often do you access the irc?

> 5. How often do you access the matrix?

Never. Do we have one?
> 6. What, if any, assistive technology do you use?

> Email Resources
> ---------------
> 7. Do you use an email account (non-alias) exclusively for Agora?


> 8. (Open Ended) How do you organize agora emails? Do you use filters,
> folders, labels, aliases, or other features of email?

1. Scan over new arrivals, delete uninteresting (reports for things I don't 
keep track).
2. Read remaning.
3. Take actions.
4. Archive onto two separate folders: registrar business and all others,
   plus some special sporadic ones (tournaments).

> 9. (Open Ended) How do you access old agora messages/emails?

Through the archives on the website (public/private depending on search needs).
> Website
> -------
> 10. How often do you use the website?


> 11. What pages on the website do you use most frequently?

Archives, rules*, latest reports.

* I download the SLR periodically.

> Improvement
> -----------
> 12. (Open Ended) What is the most difficult part of Agora, from a
> tech/accessibility standpoint?

Not applicable.

> 13. (Open Ended) What technology would you like to see Agora adopt or use
> more?

Technical standards for reports or records.

> 14. (Open Ended) What other questions should this survey include, and what
> would your answer be?

No opinion.

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