New version. Fixed most things people mentioned in response to the
previous version, plus changed a bit how the thing works.

Now, instead of Golems activating by themselves and acting on behalf of
people, we have players activating the golems and doing the acting. This
still allows chains of activations and fun gameplay.

Also, there is space for more types of golems, with different effects
(not only acting on behalf). The ones I included are just examples,
and suggestions are welcome (and requested).

Finally: should I repeal promises and pledges?

DRAFT: The World's Enchantment
Author: juan
A.I.: 3.0

1. Create the following rules:

Title: Golems
Power: 2.5

The Xaman is an Office.

Clay is a currency tracked by the Xaman.

Golems are entities tracked by the Xaman. Golems have a Mind, a Body,
and a Soul, which are documents.

A player CAN destroy a Golem by announcement if the conditions in its
Soul are clearly and unambiguously met, or without objections.

Once per week, a player CAN grant emself a Clay by announcement.

A player CAN poke a Golem by announcement. When a Player pokes a
Golem, if the conditions the Golem's Mind are clearly and
unambiguously met, that Player (the activator) activates that Golem.
Activating Golems is secured.

Title: Avatar
Power: 1.0

Avatar are a type of Golem. A Player CAN create an Avatar by paying a
fee of 2 Clay and specifying its Mind, Body and Soul.

When an Avatar is activated, the activator performs the actions in its
Body on behalf of the Avatar's creator.

When an Avatar is destroyed, its creator gains 1 Clay.

Title: Totems
Power: 1.0

Totems are a type of Golem. When a Totem is activated, the activator wins.

2. Repeal Rule 1742 “Contracts”.

3. Ammend Rule 2608 “The Notary” by deleting

> 2. every contract, with its title, full provisions, and parties; and
  and replacing

> 3. every promise, along with its title, text, creator, and bearer.


> 2. every promise, along with its title, text, creator, and bearer.

4. Ammend Rule 1586 “Definition and Continuity of Entities” by replacing

> A rule, contract, or regulation that refers to an entity by name


> A rule or regulation that refers to an entity by name

5. Ammend Rule 2519 “Consent” by deleting

> 2. e is party to a contract whose body explicitly and unambiguously
> indicates eir consent;

  and replacing '3. ' by '2. ' and '4. ' by '3. '.

6. Ammend Rule 2166 “Assets” by deleting “Contracts have Mint Authority.”

7. Ammend Rule 2576 “Ownership” by deleting “and contracts,”

8. Ammend Rule 2581 “Official Patent Titles” by deleting

> - Terms of Service, awardable by the Notary to any player who creates
>   multiple Contracts that achieve fun gameplay and significantly
>   impacts Agora as a whole

--- END ---


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