Wow, I did some major word soup there, I hope my point came across anyways

On Monday, May 1, 2023, Yachay Wayllukuq <> wrote:

> I'm sure that this is well-intended but I feel like this strongly
> encourages "dynasties" of officers where the veterans are de facto heads of
> who will get the privilege of choose who get to be the next Delegate or
> not. Having been Delegate seem like major boon to have towards actually
> getting the office eventually, perhaps it eventually becomes an unwritten
> requirement for it.
> It's just more power to the older, more established players, and it
> bothers me.
> I'm not sure if this is healthier for the game than the free-for-all
> deputization/elections as we currently have it.
> On Monday, May 1, 2023, nix via agora-business <
>> wrote:
>> I submit the following proposal:
>> {
>> Title: Delegation
>> AI: 3
>> Author: nix
>> Co-Author(s): Janet
>> [This proposal adds Vacations and Delegation, which encourage officers
>> to take time off and give the responsibility to someone else for a
>> while. Not only is this intended to reduce burnout for officers, but it
>> is also intended to be an opportunity for other players to learn an
>> office without fully committing to it.]
>> Amend R2438 by replacing "Cyan (C): When a person deputises for an
>> office" with "Cyan (C): When a person deputises for an office or is
>> delegated an office"
>> Enact a new Power=3 rule titled "Vacations & Delegation" with the
>> following text:
>>     An officer CAN and SHOULD take a Vacation from a specified office e
>>     has continuously held for over 6 months with 7 day notice, if e has
>>     not done so in the last year. When e does so, e can optionally
>>     specify a player to be eir Delegate.
>>     An officer is On Vacation from a specified office if e has taken a
>>     Vacation from that office in the last 30 days. The ADoP SHALL
>>     include which officers are On Vacation in weekly report.
>>     If an officer specified a Delegate when taking a Vacation, and the
>>     Delegate has publicly consented, then the Delegate can act as if e
>>     is the holder of the Office while the officer is On Vacation.
>>     Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, while an officer is On
>>     Vacation that officer NEED NOT comply with any duties of that
>>     office, and the delegate, if any, SHALL comply with all duties of
>>     the office as if e held the office.
>> }
>> --
>> nix
>> Prime Minister, Herald

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