Title: cool shiny things!
Adoption Index: 2.0
Author: snail

[First let's change how radiance resets work. This should reduce the timing
woes of the current system, and encourage spending stamps:]

Amend Rule 2656 (Radiance) to read, in full:
      A player's Radiance is an integer player switch defaulting to 0,
      tracked by the Herald. When a player is "granted" or "gains" a
      specified amount of radiance, eir radiance is increased by that

      Brights are a currency, tracked by the Herald. When a player wins the
game, e gains 1 Bright. A player with a radiance of 50 or more CAN, by
announcement, gain 1 bright, thereby decreasing eir radiance by 50.

      At the start of each quarter, the player(s) with the highest radiance
each gain 5 brights, and then each player gains X/50 brights, rounded down,
where X is eir radiance. Then, all radiance switches are set to
      0, and all unsealed stamps are destroyed.

If a player would gain radiance in the 7 days before the beginning of a
Quarter, e instead gains 1/(7-X) times that amount, rounded down, where X
is the number of full days before the beginning of the Quarter.

[So you get brights when the quarter ends, if you have enough radiance.
What can you do with them? Lots of things!]

Enact a new rule titled "Bright Abilities" at power 2, with the following
A player CAN, by paying a fee of 1 bright, increase eir Base Rockiness by 1.

A player CAN, by paying a fee of 1 bright, grant a specified pure player 3

A player CAN, by paying a fee of 1 bright, seal up to 5 specified stamps.

A player CAN, by paying a fee of 2 brights, transfer a specified asset from
the Lost and Found Department to emself.

A player CAN, by paying a fee of 2 brights, increase eir voting strength on
ordinary referenda by 2 for a period of 7 days, provided eir voting
strength is not currently increased this way.

A player CAN, by paying a fee of 2 brights, increase the radiance of 5
different specified players by 10 each.

A player CAN, by paying a fee of 2 brights, expunge up to 3 blots from a
specified player.

A player CAN, by paying a fee of 3 brights, wield a specified stone, rules
to the contrary notwithstanding.

A player CAN, by paying a fee of 5 brights, turn a specified rule Radiant.
A radiant rule CANNOT be repealed. The player that turned a rule Radiant
CAN, by announcement, make it cease being Radiant.

A player CAN, by paying a fee of 10 brights, win the game. When a player
wins the game this way, all brights are destroyed, and then each player is
granted 1 bright.

A player CAN, by paying a fee of 20 brights, Outshine the Sun. The voting
strength of a player on ordinary referenda is increased by 1 if e has ever
Outshined the Sun. This bonus SHOULD be compensated if repealed.

[What's this about sealed stamps? You can protect your stamps from the
quarterly reset by paying brights or radiance, in exchange for only being
able to use them for the non-radiance wincon.]

Amend Rule 2659 (Stamps) to read, in full:
      Stamps are a category of asset ownable by players . The
      Collector is an office. The Collector tracks Stamps in eir weekly

      For each person there is a corresponding type of stamp.

      Sealed is a negative boolean Stamp switch, tracked by the Collector.
To "seal" a stamp is to make it Sealed. To "unseal" a stamp is to make it
not Sealed (syn. unsealed).

A player with at least 20 radiance CAN, by announcement, seal a specified
stamp e owns, thereby decreasing eir radiance by 20.

      Any player CAN, once per week, pay X  unsealed Stamps, where each
      Stamp is a different type, to gain (X^2)-X radiance.

      Any player CAN, once per week, pay X unsealed Stamps, where each
Stamp is
      the same type, to gain (X-1)*2 radiance.

      Any player CAN win by paying N Stamps, where N is the current
      number of active players and each specified Stamp is of a
      different type.

[I hope you like this idea! Please let me know your thoughts, especially
about the Bright Abilities. This system could easily be added to, with
alternate ways to gain radiance! Or if someone comes up with one really
good radiance gaining game, this would work with it.]


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