Query: This report lists my lateness as !!! - but Simplifior was only
enacted in the past 24 hrs, right? Am I misinterpreting something in
this report?

On Mon, 24 Jun 2024 at 08:20, Edward Murphy via agora-official
<agora-offic...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> [shutterstock 182836634]
> =====Metareport=====
> You can find an up-to-date version of this report at
> http://zenith.homelinux.net/adop/report.php
> Date of last report: 2024-06-16
> Date of this report: 2024-06-23
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Filled offices: 21/22 (95.45%)
> Total officers: 14
> Consolidation[1]: 1.5
> Late reports: 6/17 (35.29%)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [1] This is the number of filled offices divided by the number of
> officers. At 1, this means that all offices are filled by different
> players; if it reached the number of filled offices, that would mean
> that all offices are filled by one player.
> Office           Holder[1]    Since         Last Election     Complexity
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Absurdor         juan         2023-06-19    (never)    [4]        0
> ADoP             Murphy       2020-07-03    2024-04-14            1
> Arbitor        ~*nix          2024-03-09    2023-10-15            2
> Archivist        Gaelan       2024-04-07    (never)               1
> Assessor         Janet        2019-07-09    2024-01-14            3
> Collector       *Mischief     2024-06-18    (never)    [4]        2
> Distributor      omd          2018-06-15    (never)    [3]        0
> Geologist       *4st          2024-05-15    (never)    [4]        1
> Herald         ~*snail        2023-11-08    2023-10-15            2
> Illuminator     *Quadrantal   2024-05-05    (never)    [4]        1
> Notary         ~ snail        2022-03-14    2023-10-15            2
> Prime Minister ~ jimmy        2024-01-14    2024-01-14            0
> Promotor         snail        2022-05-01    2024-01-14            3
> Referee          ais523       2023-06-13    2024-04-14            2
> Registrar        juan         2022-08-29    2024-04-14            1
> Rulekeepor     ~ Janet        2019-12-06    2023-07-16            3
> Simplifior       Juniper      2024-06-23    (never)               1
> Speaker          Jaff         2024-04-29    2019-11-05 [3]        0
> Spendor          nix          2024-04-21    (never)    [4]        1
> Stonemason       Janet        2020-11-11    (never)    [4]        1
> Tailor           Murphy       2021-02-28    2024-04-14            1
> Webmastor       *(vacant)     2023-06-13[2] 2023-10-15 [4]        1
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [1] * = Interim office (vacant or holder not elected)
>      ~ = Term limited (held for 180+ days, 90+ for Prime Minister)
> [2] Vacant since this date
> [3] Currently imposed
> [4] Currently sortitioned ("Election" may actually be sortition)
> Office           Report                    Last Published     Late[1]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Absurdor         Boulder Height            2024-06-17
> ADoP             Offices                   2024-06-16[2]
> Arbitor          Judicial matters          2024-05-26         !!!
> Collector        Stamps                    2024-06-18
> Geologist        Crystals                  2024-05-30         !!
> Illuminator      Radiance                  2024-06-23
> Promotor         Proposal pool             2024-06-04         !
> Referee          Rule violations           2024-06-22
> Registrar        Players, Fora             2024-06-17
> Rulekeepor       Short Logical Ruleset     2024-06-14
> Simplifior       Readable Logical Ruleset  (never)            !!!
> Spendor          Spendies                  2024-05-27         !!
> Stonemason       Stones                    2024-06-23
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [1] ! = 1 period missed, !! = 2, !!! = 3+
>        (does not take succumbing into account)
> [2] Not including this report
> Office           Report                    Last Published     Late
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Herald           Patent titles             2024-06-04
> Notary           Contracts                 2024-06-04
> Registrar        Player history            2024-06-03
> Rulekeepor       Full Logical Ruleset      2024-06-14
> Tailor           Ribbons, Laudability      2024-05-05
> Webmastor        Web resources             2023-10-11         (vacant)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Office           Initiated       Phase           Candidates
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> (none in progress)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Office           Days Until          Last Election
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Rulekeepor       00 Days             2023-07-16
> Arbitor          00 Days             2023-10-15
> Herald           00 Days             2023-10-15
> Notary           00 Days             2023-10-15
> Assessor         00 Days             2024-01-14
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [1] Anyone can start an election (with 2 support and also becoming a
> candidate) 90 days after the previous one (or if it's interim and no
> election is ongoing). This section shows the 5 elected offices with the
> most time passed since the last election.
> Once a quarter, the ADoP SHALL start an election for 2 to 4 offices
> that haven't had one for at least 180 days (90 for Prime Minister),
> and SHOULD prioritize those that have gone the longest without one.
> Once a quarter, the ADoP SHALL initiate a sortition for each
> sortitioned office.
> -----------------------
> Office           Delegate     Last Vacation     Eligible for Vacation
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Absurdor         (vacant)     (never)           (now)
> ADoP             (vacant)     (never)           (now)
> Arbitor          (vacant)     (never)           2024-09-10
> Archivist        (vacant)     (never)           2024-10-07
> Assessor         Jaff         2024-05-10        2025-05-10
> Collector        (vacant)     (never)           2024-12-19
> Distributor      (vacant)     (never)           (now)
> Geologist        (vacant)     (never)           2024-11-15
> Herald           (vacant)     (never)           (now)
> Illuminator      (vacant)     (never)           2024-11-06
> Notary           (vacant)     (never)           (now)
> Prime Minister   (vacant)     (never)           2024-07-15
> Promotor         (vacant)     (never)           (now)
> Referee          (vacant)     (never)           (now)
> Registrar        (vacant)     (never)           (now)
> Rulekeepor       (vacant)     2024-05-10        2025-05-10
> Simplifior       (vacant)     (never)           2024-12-23
> Speaker          (vacant)     (never)           2024-10-29
> Spendor          (vacant)     (never)           2024-10-21
> Stonemason       Jaff         2024-05-10        2025-05-10
> Tailor          *wunst        2024-06-02        2025-06-03
> Webmastor        (vacant)     (vacant)          (vacant)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> [1] * = Holder on vacation
> Delegates are installed by themselves with Agoran consent, or by the
> holder with the delegate's support. Delegates CANNOT resign, but CAN
> remove themselves as delegate.
> Once a quarter, the ADoP SHOULD encourage players who have held an
> office for at least six months to take an annual 30-day vacation,
> during which the delegate effectively takes eir place.
> -------------
> ADoP                 Associate Director of Personnel
> RECENT EVENTS (all times UTC)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Wed, May 01 2024 (05:10:12) - Janet made a CoE on the Stonemason's
> weekly report
> Wed, May 01 2024 (05:21:28) - Janet published the Stonemason's weekly report
> Wed, May 01 2024 (05:24:35) - Janet published the Stonemason's weekly report
> Thu, May 02 2024 (07:02:50) - Janet published the Short Logical Ruleset
> Thu, May 02 2024 (07:03:30) - Janet published the Full Logical Ruleset
> Thu, May 02 2024 (15:25:59) - juan published the Registrar's monthly report
> Sat, May 04 2024 (17:30:55) - ais523 published the Referee's weekly report
> Sun, May 05 2024 (18:35:35) - Murphy published the Tailor's monthly report
> Sun, May 05 2024 (18:36:21) - Murphy published the ADoP's weekly report
> Sun, May 05 2024 (18:46:11) - Quadrantal deputised for Illuminator and
> published the Illuminator's weekly report
> Sun, May 05 2024 (18:46:11) - Quadrantal published the Illuminator's
> weekly report
> Sun, May 05 2024 (19:03:19) - ais523 made a CoE on the Illuminator's
> weekly report
> Sun, May 05 2024 (19:16:59) - Quadrantal published the Illuminator's
> weekly report
> Sun, May 05 2024 (20:55:00) - Quadrantal made a CoE on the Illuminator's
> weekly report
> Sun, May 05 2024 (20:55:00) - Quadrantal published the Illuminator's
> weekly report
> Sun, May 05 2024 (22:38:30) - snail published the proposal pool
> Sun, May 05 2024 (22:52:02) - Janet published the Stonemason's weekly report
> Mon, May 06 2024 (16:38:19) - juan published the Absurdor's weekly report
> Mon, May 06 2024 (16:38:49) - juan published the Registrar's weekly report
> Fri, May 10 2024 (15:26:04) - Janet took a vacation from Assessor
> Fri, May 10 2024 (15:26:04) - Janet took a vacation from Rulekeepor
> Fri, May 10 2024 (15:26:04) - Janet took a vacation from Stonemason
> Sat, May 11 2024 (04:14:51) - ais523 published the Referee's weekly report
> Sun, May 12 2024 (17:03:35) - Jaff published the Stonemason's weekly report
> Sun, May 12 2024 (19:04:55) - Jaff published the Assessor's weekly report
> Sun, May 12 2024 (22:18:04) - Murphy published the ADoP's weekly report
> Sun, May 12 2024 (23:54:05) - snail published the proposal pool
> Sun, May 12 2024 (23:56:27) - Quadrantal published the Illuminator's
> weekly report
> Mon, May 13 2024 (07:34:15) - juan published the Absurdor's weekly report
> Mon, May 13 2024 (07:34:44) - juan published the Registrar's weekly report
> Wed, May 15 2024 (06:33:35) - 4st registered
> Wed, May 15 2024 (07:51:44) - 4st deputised for Geologist and published
> the Geologist's weekly report
> Wed, May 15 2024 (07:51:44) - 4st published the Geologist's weekly report
> Wed, May 15 2024 (20:48:15) - Mischief registered
> Thu, May 16 2024 (23:45:05) - Mischief made a CoE on the Geologist's
> weekly report
> Sun, May 19 2024 (13:58:40) - ais523 published the Referee's weekly report
> Sun, May 19 2024 (17:41:45) - Jaff published the Stonemason's weekly report
> Sun, May 19 2024 (22:13:23) - Murphy published the ADoP's weekly report
> Sun, May 19 2024 (22:14:46) - Quadrantal succumbed
> Mon, May 20 2024 (08:19:30) - juan published the Absurdor's weekly report
> Mon, May 20 2024 (08:21:04) - juan published the Registrar's weekly report
> Mon, May 20 2024 (23:33:56) - Quadrantal published the Illuminator's
> weekly report
> Mon, May 20 2024 (23:35:30) - Quadrantal published the Illuminator's
> weekly report
> Mon, May 20 2024 (23:47:22) - Quadrantal published the Illuminator's
> weekly report
> Tue, May 21 2024 (00:13:08) - Quadrantal published the Illuminator's
> weekly report
> Tue, May 21 2024 (02:37:52) - 4st published the Geologist's weekly report
> Tue, May 21 2024 (03:15:52) - ais523 made a CoE on the Geologist's
> weekly report
> Sat, May 25 2024 (07:01:14) - Murphy published the ADoP's weekly report
> Sat, May 25 2024 (10:52:04) - snail published the proposal pool
> Sat, May 25 2024 (22:10:54) - ais523 published the Referee's weekly report
> Sat, May 25 2024 (22:43:26) - snail made a CoE on the proposal pool
> Sat, May 25 2024 (22:43:26) - snail published the proposal pool
> Sun, May 26 2024 (20:21:04) - Jaff published the Stonemason's weekly report
> Sun, May 26 2024 (22:26:36) - Quadrantal published the Illuminator's
> weekly report
> Sun, May 26 2024 (23:43:11) - nix published the Arbitor's weekly report
> Mon, May 27 2024 (00:13:46) - nix published the Spendor's weekly report
> Mon, May 27 2024 (08:37:51) - juan published the Registrar's weekly report
> Mon, May 27 2024 (08:39:08) - juan published the Absurdor's weekly report
> Mon, May 27 2024 (11:05:39) - Mischief made a CoE on the Absurdor's
> weekly report
> Mon, May 27 2024 (19:18:00) - Quadrantal made a CoE on the Spendor's
> weekly report
> Tue, May 28 2024 (07:11:15) - juan published the Absurdor's weekly report
> Wed, May 29 2024 (12:56:28) - literallyAmbiguous registered
> Thu, May 30 2024 (21:56:12) - 4st published the Geologist's weekly report
> Sun, Jun 02 2024 (15:15:12) - ais523 published the Referee's weekly report
> Sun, Jun 02 2024 (20:03:15) - Quadrantal published the Illuminator's
> weekly report
> Sun, Jun 02 2024 (20:39:48) - Murphy took a vacation from Tailor
> Sun, Jun 02 2024 (21:21:25) - Murphy published the ADoP's weekly report
> Sun, Jun 02 2024 (21:50:33) - Jaff succumbed
> Mon, Jun 03 2024 (08:24:04) - juan published the Absurdor's weekly report
> Mon, Jun 03 2024 (08:27:04) - juan published the Registrar's weekly report
> Mon, Jun 03 2024 (08:44:34) - juan published the Registrar's monthly report
> Mon, Jun 03 2024 (22:16:40) - Jaff published the Stonemason's weekly report
> Mon, Jun 03 2024 (22:34:30) - nix made a CoE on the Stonemason's weekly
> report
> Mon, Jun 03 2024 (22:36:09) - 4st made a CoE on the Stonemason's weekly
> report
> Mon, Jun 03 2024 (22:46:23) - Jaff published the Stonemason's weekly report
> Tue, Jun 04 2024 (02:57:58) - 4st made a CoE on the Stonemason's weekly
> report
> Tue, Jun 04 2024 (09:01:48) - snail published the proposal pool
> Tue, Jun 04 2024 (09:29:21) - snail published the Herald's monthly report
> Tue, Jun 04 2024 (09:50:29) - snail published the Notary's monthly report
> Sat, Jun 08 2024 (07:13:15) - Murphy published the ADoP's weekly report
> Sat, Jun 08 2024 (12:35:47) - Mischief made a CoE on the Short Logical
> Ruleset
> Sat, Jun 08 2024 (12:35:47) - Mischief made a CoE on the Full Logical
> Ruleset
> Sat, Jun 08 2024 (22:09:49) - ais523 published the Referee's weekly report
> Sun, Jun 09 2024 (20:00:54) - Quadrantal published the Illuminator's
> weekly report
> Fri, Jun 14 2024 (04:54:45) - Janet published the Short Logical Ruleset
> Fri, Jun 14 2024 (04:55:22) - Janet published the Full Logical Ruleset
> Fri, Jun 14 2024 (22:33:09) - ais523 published the Referee's weekly report
> Sat, Jun 15 2024 (04:46:26) - Janet published the Stonemason's weekly report
> Sat, Jun 15 2024 (05:00:12) - Janet published the Stonemason's weekly report
> Sat, Jun 15 2024 (05:51:35) - Janet published the Stonemason's weekly report
> Sat, Jun 15 2024 (20:50:57) - snail made a CoE on the Stonemason's
> weekly report
> Sat, Jun 15 2024 (22:15:37) - Janet published the Stonemason's weekly report
> Sun, Jun 16 2024 (19:12:12) - Murphy published the ADoP's weekly report
> Sun, Jun 16 2024 (23:26:24) - Quadrantal published the Illuminator's
> weekly report
> Mon, Jun 17 2024 (01:00:06) - juan succumbed
> Mon, Jun 17 2024 (19:43:15) - juan published the Registrar's weekly report
> Mon, Jun 17 2024 (19:46:03) - juan published the Absurdor's weekly report
> Tue, Jun 18 2024 (23:55:35) - Mischief deputised for Collector and
> published the Collector's weekly report
> Tue, Jun 18 2024 (23:55:35) - Mischief published the Collector's weekly
> report
> Wed, Jun 19 2024 (00:05:51) - Janet made a CoE on the Stonemason's
> weekly report
> Wed, Jun 19 2024 (00:06:08) - Janet made a CoE on the Stonemason's
> weekly report
> Fri, Jun 21 2024 (02:29:09) - Janet published the Stonemason's weekly report
> Fri, Jun 21 2024 (02:32:45) - Janet published the Stonemason's weekly report
> Sat, Jun 22 2024 (18:41:23) - ais523 published the Referee's weekly report
> Sun, Jun 23 2024 (01:13:26) - Simplifior enacted by Proposal 9121
> Sun, Jun 23 2024 (01:13:26) - juniper installed as Simplifior by
> Proposal 9121
> Sun, Jun 23 2024 (04:09:14) - Janet published the Stonemason's weekly report
> Sun, Jun 23 2024 (18:49:50) - Quadrantal published the Illuminator's
> weekly report

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