Scorekeepor's Scoreboard

Date of this report: Sat 12 Jan 07
Date of last report: Mon 31 Dec 07

Date of last ratification   : ????
Date of last ratified report: ????

The following report is the last one to include CFJ 1850, assuming no appeals; 
CFJ 1850 has almost two more days in which it can be appealed.

Recent events
Wed 18 Jul 08:23:34  Office created by Proposal 5076
Tue 14 Aug 05:10:09  Chess Club dissolved
Tue 14 Aug 05:10:09  The Variety Show created
Tue 21 Aug 06:27:25  Levi wins (possibly ineffective due to incorrectly
                        announced score)
Tue 21 Aug 06:34:19  Levi wins (if previous announcement was ineffective
                        solely due to incorrectly announced score)
Thu 27 Sep 03:47:27 The Variety Show dissolved
Fri  9 Nov 18:40:15 The Agoran Proposal Awards created
Sun  9 Dec 17:25:26 The Fantasy Rules Contest made into a contest
Tue 11 Dec 16:27:44 The Agoran Proposal Awards dissolved
Wed 12 Dec 02:28:19 Brainfuck Golf made into a contest
Fri 21 Dec 06:53:33 pikhq wins (by creating points in eir possession)
                        (in question, see CFJ 1850)
--- Time of last report ---

Player   Score
BobTHJ       15
comex        6
Levi         2
root         10
Zefram       9
} (in question, see CFJ 1850)
All other players have a score of 0.

Score history
Tue 21 Aug 06:26:28  Levi    +10  Host Contest 1
Tue 21 Aug 06:26:28  Levi    +10  Host Contest 2 (successful, CFJ 1729)
Tue 21 Aug 06:26:28  Levi    +10  Host Contest 3
Tue 21 Aug 06:26:28  Levi    +10  Host Contest 4
Tue 21 Aug 06:26:28  Levi    +10  Host Contest 5
Tue 21 Aug 06:26:28  Levi    +10  Host Contest 6
Tue 21 Aug 06:26:28  Levi    +10  Host Contest 7
Tue 21 Aug 06:26:28  Levi    +10  Host Contest 8
Tue 21 Aug 06:26:28  Levi    +10  Host Contest 9
Tue 21 Aug 06:26:28  Levi    +10  Host Contest 10
Tue 21 Aug 06:27:25  All scores reset due to win
Tue 21 Aug 06:34:19  All scores reset due to win (if prev. ineffective)
Fri 31 Aug 03:18:08  comex   + 1  The Variety Show
Fri 31 Aug 03:18:08  Levi    + 1  The Variety Show
Fri 31 Aug 03:18:08  root    + 1  The Variety Show
Fri 31 Aug 03:18:08  Wooble  + 1  The Variety Show
Fri 31 Aug 03:18:08  Zefram  + 3  The Variety Show
Fri  7 Sep 06:05:56  Levi    + 1  The Variety Show
Fri  7 Sep 06:05:56  root    + 5  The Variety Show
Fri  7 Sep 06:05:56  Wooble  + 1  The Variety Show
Fri  7 Sep 06:05:56  Zefram  + 3  The Variety Show
Mon 11 Sep 00:14:30  Wooble  All points destroyed due to deregistration
                                (points restricted to players)
Mon 17 Sep 06:12:10  root    + 2  The Variety Show (for Sep. 9, 07)
Mon 17 Sep 06:12:10  comex   + 3  The Variety Show (for Sep. 9, 07)
Mon 17 Sep 06:12:10  Zefram  + 1  The Variety Show (for Sep. 9, 07)
Mon 17 Sep 06:12:10  Levi    + 1  The Variety Show (for Sep. 9, 07)
Mon 17 Sep 06:12:10  BobTHJ  + 1  The Variety Show (for Sep. 9, 07)
Mon 17 Sep 06:12:10  Wooble  + 1  The Variety Show (for Sep. 9, 07)
Mon 17 Sep 06:18:10  root    + 4  The Variety Show
Mon 17 Sep 06:18:10  comex   + 2  The Variety Show
Mon 17 Sep 06:18:10  Zefram  + 4  The Variety Show
Thu 27 Sep 03:35:13  root    + 3  The Variety Show
Thu 27 Sep 03:35:13  Wooble  + 1  The Variety Show
Thu 27 Sep 03:35:13  Zefram  + 1  The Variety Show
Mon  1 Oct 17:22:50  BobTHJ  All points destroyed due to deregistration
                                (points restricted to players)
Fri 21 Dec 06:53:33  pikhq   +100 Created by scorekeepor (in question,
                                        see CFJ 1850)
Fri 21 Dec 06:53:33  All scores reset due to win
Sat 21 Dec 00:45:00  pikhq   +1   Created by scorekeepor
Sat 21 Dec 01:09:36  pikhq   -1   Destroyed
} In question, see CFJ 1850.
--- Time of last report ---
Wed  9 Jan 12:14:00  Goethe  +15 Brainfuck Golf

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