Scorekeepor's Scoreboard

Date of this report: Mon 21 Apr 08
Date of last report: Mon 14 Apr 08

Date of last ratification   : n/a
Date of last ratified report: n/a

Recent events
Wed 16 Jan 03:07:21 VC award for points removed; ribbon and note
                    reward added.
Sat  2 Feb 06:36:50 Agoran Agricultural Association made a contest.
Sat  9 Feb 21:47:07 root leaves Brainfuck Golf; Brainfuck Golf without
Mon  3 Mar 18:42:07 root becomes Contestmaster of the Fantasy Rules
Sat  8 Mar 05:40:32 Murphy makes Enigma a contest.
Sat 15 Mar 14:36:57 Ivan Hope makes Agoran Twister a contest.
--- Time of last report ---
Mon 21 Apr 16:03:14 Iammars makes The Fight Arena a contest.

Player   Score
comex        3
Goethe      50
Iammars     49
Murphy       1
pikhq       26
root        22
Wooble       2
Zefram       9

All other players have a score of 0.

Contest                Contestmaster   Awardable Points
AAA                    BobTHJ          50
Agoran Twister         Ivan Hope       35
Brainfuck Golf         N/A             30
Enigma                 Murphy          35
Fantasy Rules Contest  root            25
Fight Arena            Iammars         15

Score history
Wed  9 Jan 12:14:00  Goethe  +15  Brainfuck Golf
Wed 16 Jan 07:26:00  pikhq   + 9  Fantasy Rules Contest
Wed 16 Jan 07:26:00  Iammars + 5  Fantasy Rules Contest
Wed 16 Jan 23:30:34  BobTHJ  All points destroyed for deregistration
                                (points restricted to players)
Mon 21 Jan 18:35:22  pikhq   + 3  Fantasy Rules Contest
Tue 29 Jan 14:35:16          Brainfuck Golf awards no points
Tue 29 Jan 07:18:10  pikhq   +11 Fantasy Rules Contest
Tue 29 Jan 07:18:10  Iammars + 4 Fantasy Rules Contest
Tue  5 Feb 05:15:58  Goethe  +35 Brainfuck Golf
Wed  6 Feb 02:45:43  Iammars + 3 Fantasy Rules Contest
Sun 17 Feb 22:11:52  Levi    = 0 (Deregisters)
Mon  3 Mar 23:57:43  Iammars + 7 Fantasy Rules Contest
Mon 10 Mar 06:12:48  Murphy  +10 Fantasy Rules Contest
Tue 11 Mar 14:24:29  Murphy  - 3 AAA
Tue 11 Mar 17:32:44  comex   - 3 AAA
Mon 17 Mar 19:01:26  Murphy  - 3 AAA
Thu 20 Mar 16:47:18  Iammars + 4 Fantasy Rules Contest
Thu 20 Mar 16:47:18  pikhq   + 3 Fantasy Rules Contest
Thu 20 Mar 18:46:51  Iammars + 1 Fantasy Rules Contest
Sat 29 Mar 17:50:15  root    +10 Agoran Twister
Mon 31 Mar 23:45:24  Iammars + 3 Enigma
Mon 31 Mar 23:45:24  root    + 2 Enigma
Tue  8 Apr 14:26:15  Murphy  - 3 AAA
Wed  9 Apr 14:37:52  Wooble  + 2 AAA
Wed  9 Apr 17:40:41  Iammars + 6 Fantasy Rules Contest
Mon 14 Apr 16:58:26  Iammars + 6 Fantasy Rules Contest
--- Time of last report ---
Mon 21 Apr 16:27:08  Iammars +10 Fantasy Rules Contest

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