== Promotor's Proposal Pool Report ==

Date of this report: Sun 29 Nov 2009
Date of last report: Sat 22 Nov 2009
Pool last ratified: 22 Nov, ratified on 29 Nov

Number of Proposals: 33

Distributable proposals in the Pool:
Restrict Card Destruction Window
Lost and Found is Running the Show
Wild Cards
We don't need this anymore
Salary Timing
Drop them, really

All proposals made distributable and then removed from the pool before
being distributed are also still distributable, but too many to list
All others are undistributable.

Proposals currently in the Pool:

Title: A Terrible Proposal
Author: ais523
AI: 1.0
II: 3
Chamber: Green

Create a rule with the following text:
Any set of persons who between them have at least 10 instances of the
patent title Champion can create arbitrary instruments (which need not
be rules or proposals) by unanimous consent, followed by announcement of
the fact to a public forum. Such instruments are authorised to change
the rules.


Title: R101 Safety Net
Author: c.
AI: 3.0
II: 1
Chamber: Green

Enact a new Power=3 Rule reading:

     comex CAN cause this rule to amend itself by announcement, as
     long as e published the amendment for public review at least 24
     hours ago.


Title: O RLY?
Author: Darth Cliché
chamber: ordinary
AI: 1.0
II: 3
Chamber: Green

ais523 wins.
Rodlen wins.
Every player who voted FOR on this Proposal wins.


Title: null
Author: c.
AI: 3.0
II: 0
Chamber: Green

Create a Power-3 rule with text:
c. CAN cause this rule to amend itself with support.


Title: No to No
Author: ais523
AI: 1.7
II: 1
Chamber: Green

For each Rest in ais523's possession, destroy that Rest and
create 1 Rest in ehird's possession.


Title: Registration is not dependent
Author: Murphy
AI: 2.0
II: 1
Chamber: Green

Amend Rule 869 (How to Join and Leave Agora) by replacing this text:

     A first-class person CAN (unless explicitly forbidden or
     prevented by the rules) register by publishing a message that
     indicates reasonably clearly and reasonably unambiguously that e
     intends to become a player.

with this text:

     A first-class person CAN (unless explicitly forbidden or
     prevented by the rules) register by publishing a message that
     indicates reasonably clearly and reasonably unambiguously that e
     intends to become a player at that time.


Title: Judicial fix
Author: Murphy
AI: 2.0
II: 1
Chamber: Green

Amend Rule 1868 (Judge Assignment Generally) by replacing this text:

     The entities qualified to be assigned as judge of a judicial
     case are the active players,

with this text:

     The entities qualified to be assigned as judge of a judicial
     case are the active players who have not previously been
     recused from it,

[Currently, recused judges are not actually disqualified from being
reassigned to the same case, which may have caused a few inadvertently
illegal rotations of the bench.]


Title: Rest Reform
Author: Walker
AI: 2.0
II: 1
Chamber: Green

[ Allows the judge to specify any number of Rest less than 15 when
judging SILENCE, and when the judgement remains in effect for a
continuous week, any player can create the rests in the possession of
the ninny. I've kept Class-N Crimes in though, as there may still be
cases in which the defendant admits guilt and creates the Rests
straight-away. ]

Amend Rule 1504 (Criminal Cases) by replacing

     * SILENCE, a number of Rests, equal to the defined Class of the
       Crime or (if the breach is not a defined crime) the power of
       the breached Rule, rounded to the nearest integer with ties
       broken by rounding up, are created in the possession of the
       Ninny. The judge CAN, with 2 Support, set the fine at a
       different integral level between one half and double that
       amount, and SHOULD attempt to do so if necessary to ensure
       that the correlation between the fine and the severity of the
       breach is appropriate, or to account for the faith (good or
       bad) shown by the Ninny in contesting the notice or in aiding
       or obstructing the course of justice.


     * SILENCE with a positive number less than 15 (X). If a
       judgement of SILENCE has been in effect continuously for one
       week (or longer), any player CAN create a number of Rests
       equal to X in the possession of the ninny, by announcement.


Title: Fix Ambassador Duties
Author: Walker
AI: 1.0
II: 0
Chamber: Green

In Rule 2185, replace

     Recognition is a foreign nomic switch, tracked by the
     Ambassador, with values Unknown (default), Protected, Friendly,
     Neutral, Sanctioned, Hostile, and Abandoned.


     Recognition is a foreign nomic switch, tracked by the Ambassador
     (in eir monthly report), with values Unknown (default),
     Protected, Friendly, Neutral, Sanctioned, Hostile, and


Title: Breaking the Presto picking Loop
Author: ais523
AI: 2.0
II: 1
Chamber: Green

In rule 2262, replace
      * Discard Picking  - Indicate a type of Exploit card where at
                           least one card of that type was destroyed
                           in the past 72 hours; a card of that type
                           is created in your possession.
      * Discard Picking  - Indicate a type of Exploit card, other than
                           Presto!, where at least one card of that
                           type was destroyed in the past 72 hours; a
                           card of that type is created in your
[Because otherwise, you can use a Presto! to destroy everyone else's
Discard Pickings.]


Title: Without Objection Pool Removal
Author: Walker
AI: 3.0
II: 1
Chamber: Green

Append the following to Rule 1607 (The Promotor):

     The Promotor CAN, without objection, remove a specified proposal
     from the proposal pool.

Mutate Rule 1607 (The Promotor) to Power 3. [Pool removal is secured by


Title: Power Play
Author: Walker
AI: 3.1
II: 1
Chamber: Green

Set the Power of the following Rules to the following values:

ID Number  Title                     Power
     101  The Rights of Agorans       3.1

    2240  No Cretans Need Apply       3.05
     217  Interpreting the Rules      3.05
    1698  Agora is a Nomic            3.05


Title: Dependent Actions During Lull
Author: Walker
AI: 3.0
II: 1
Chamber: Green

In Rule 1728 (Dependent Actions) replace

     A rule or contract which purports to allow a person (the
     performer) to perform an action by a set of one or more of the
     following methods (N is 1 unless otherwise specified):

      1) Without N Objections, where N is a positive integer no
         greater than 8.
      2) With N Supporters, where N is a positive integer.
      3) With N Agoran Consent, where N is an integer multiple of 0.1
         with a minimum of 1.
      4) With Notice.


     A rule or contract which purports to allow a person (the
     performer) to perform an action by a set of one or more of the
     following methods:

      1) Without N Objections, where N is a positive integer no
         greater than 8.
      2) With N Supporters, where N is a positive integer.
      3) With N Agoran Consent, where N is an integer multiple of 0.1
         with a minimum of 1.
      4) With Notice.

     (In the above, N is 1 unless otherwise specified. While the
     number of active players is less than 5, N is always 1, Rules to
     the contrary notwithstanding.)


Title: Clarify emergency distribution
Author: Murphy
AI: 3.0
II: 1
Chamber: Green

Amend Rule 106 (Adopting Proposals) by replacing this text:

     If the Rules do not otherwise permit at least one current active
     player to distribute a Proposal, then any player may do so
     Without 3 Objections.

with this text:

     If it is not otherwise POSSIBLE for at least one current active
     player to distribute a given proposal, then any player CAN do so
     without 3 objections.


Title: Invade!
Author: Walker
AI: 2
II: 1
Chamber: Green

WHEREAS B Nomic is a noble and esteemed nomic which is deservedly the
only nomic which Agora recognizes as 'Friendly', and WHEREAS Agora
deems itself as the superpower of nomics, with an inherent
responsibility to lead the nomic world, and WHEREAS Agora desires to
encourage growth and promotion of the nomic community, and WHEREAS B
Nomic is, as per usual, in a lull, and WHEREAS B Nomic historically
has been revitalized not by the addition of gameplay to its Rules, nor
the creation of dictatorships, but by Agora getting involved:

The Recognition of B Nomic is hereby flipped to Hostile, and a
Power 2 Rule with the following text is hereby enacted:

    For the purposes of this Rule, a Potential Invasion Participant
    (PIP) is a player who was active at the time this Rule was

    As soon as possible after the enactment of this Rule, each PIP
    SHALL ensure e is an active player of B Nomic, and the Admiral
    of the Navy SHALL submit a proposal to B Nomic which, if
    enacted, would make B Nomic eligible to be a protectorate of

    When this proposal is distributed, each PIP SHALL vote FOR it a
    number of times equal to eir voting limit on the decision, and
    SHALL NOT retract these votes.

    As soon as possible after this proposal is ADOPTED, the
    Ambassador CAN and SHALL make B Nomic a protectorate by

    If B Nomic is a protectorate of Agora, any player CAN cause this
    Rule to repeal itself by announcement.


Title: More Separation of Powers
Author: Walker
AI: 2.0
II: 1
Chamber: Green

Append the following to Rule 1450 (Separation of Powers):

    Lest the entire economy fall under the control of a single
    entity, any change that would result in the holder of two or
    more of the dealer offices being entangled is canceled and does
    not occur, rules to the contrary notwithstanding.

Each of the dealer offices hereby becomes vacant.


Title: Anarchy Anarchy
Author: Walker
AI: 1.0
Chamber: Green

Repeal Rule 2216 (The Repeal-o-matic).


Title: Abduct the Aliens
Author: Walker
AI: 1.0
II: 1
Chamber: Green

[ The word "Alien" appears only three times in Rule text. All three
instances are in the Rule which defines the term. ]

Repeal Rule 2174 (Aliens).


Title: Invasion Alert Level Green
Author: Walker
AI: 2.0
II: 1
Chamber: Green

Repeal Rule 2177 (The Senate).


Title: Holiday's Over
Author: Walker
AI: 3.0
II: 1
Chamber: Green

Repeal Rule 1769 (Holidays).


Title: End of the Accountor
Author: Walker
AI: 1.0
II: 1
Chamber: Green

If proposal 6539 has not been adopted, this proposal has no effect.

Repeal Rule 2181 (The Accountor).


Title: Repeal Officer and Judge Proposals
Author: Walker
AI: 1.5
II: 1
Chamber: Green

Repeal Rule 2250 (Officer's Proposals).
Repeal Rule 2267 (Judge's Proposals).


Title: Repeal Judicial Declarations
Author: Walker
AI: 1.7
II: 1
Chamber: Green

[ The repeat is not a mistake, there are two instances to replace.
Judicial declarations are used nowhere else in the Rules. ]

Repeal Rule 2212 (Judicial Declarations).

In Rule 2170 (Who Am I?) replace

then the judge SHALL as soon
     as possible publish a judicial declaration


then the judge CAN and SHALL as soon as possible publish a self-
ratifying statement claiming

In Rule 2170 (Who Am I?) replace

the judge SHALL as soon as possible publish a judicial


then the judge CAN and SHALL as soon as possible publish a self-
ratifying statement


Title: InterNomic is Dead.
Author: Walker
AI: 1.0
II: 1
Chamber: Green

Repeal Rule 2251 (InterNomic Attitude).


Title:  Patch sentencing bug
Author: Murphy
Co-author: woggle
AI: 3.0
II: 1
Chamber: Green

Upon the adoption of this proposal, the gamestate becomes what it
would have been if, each time a criminal case's question on culpability
was rendered open again on appeal (except for CFJs 2107 and 2674), its
question on sentencing was also rendered open again at the same time.

[woggle pointed out in these cases that criminal appeals didn't work
the way we thought they did.  This proposal establishes a legal fiction
that all the others actually did.  I've already submitted a separate
proposal to fix the relevant rule text.]


Title:  Repositioning
Author: Murphy
AI: 2.0
II: 1
Chamber: Green

Amend Rule 2254 (Position Cards) to read:

     If a card class has a position, then:

       a) If a player holds an instance of that card, then e holds
          that position, and has the powers and duties described by
          the rules for that position.

       b) Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, an instance of that
          class CANNOT be created if at least one already exists.  If,
          despite this clause, more than one instance exists, then the
          Dealer for that class SHALL as soon as possible destroy a
          randomly selected instance of it.

       c) Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, an instance of that
          class CANNOT be destroyed except as described by this rule.

       d) If no instance of that class exists, or upon a judicial
          finding that the possessor of its instance(s) cannot be
          determined by reasonable effort, then the Dealer for that
          class SHALL as soon as possible destroy all instances of it
          and then create an instance in the possession of a randomly
          selected active player who bears the Patent Title Champion.


Title: Salary Timing
Author: coppro
AI: 2.0
II: 0
Chamber: Red

Amend rule 2258 by replacing
      At the end of each month, each first-class player Earns a number
      of Draws from each Basic Deck equal to the number of times that
      deck appeared in eir salary switch at the beginning of the
      month. These Draws are tracked by the Registrar.
      At the end of each month, each first-class player Earns a number
      of Draws from each Basic Deck equal to the number of times that
      deck appears in eir salary. These Draws are tracked by the


Title: power => mutability
Author: G.*
AI: 3.9
II: 1
Chamber: Green

Increase the power of Rule 2140 (Power Controls Mutability) to 3.9
Increase the power of Rule 106 (Adopting Proposals) to 3.9

[Note: not all the text in R106 has to be high-powered, only the
last two paragraphs.  Split/refactor of 106 into proposal definition
and submission versus proposal adoption useful?]

[Difference between 3.9 and 4.0 is trivial in terms of votes and
reserved for emergencies in terms of precedence].


Title: Drop them, really.
Author: coppro
AI: 1.0
II: 0
Chamber: Red

[This removes bits of foreign relations we don't really need.
Protectorates remain as a form of declaration that Agora is superior
to other nomics. The Speaker also remains as e's the Speaker.]
Repeal Rule 2200 (Nomic Definitions).
Repeal Rule 2135 (Advertising).
Repeal Rule 2185 (Foreign Relations).
Repeal Rule 2251 (InterNomic Attitude).


Title: Restrict Card Destruction Window
Author: Yally
AI: 2.0
II: 1
Chamber: Red

Amend the first paragraph of Rule 2262 from

     When a judge judges an interested case within its time limit, e
     earns a draw from the Deck of Justice.  These Draws are tracked
     by the CotC. If a judge's judgement is OVERTURNED on appeal, one
     justice on the appeals panel CAN destroy one Justice card e
     indicates in the judge's possession by announcement.


     When a judge judges an interested case within its time limit, e
     earns a draw from the Deck of Justice.  These Draws are tracked
     by the CotC. If a judge's judgement is OVERTURNED on appeal, one
     justice on the appeals panel CAN, in a timely fashion, destroy
     one Justice card e indicates in the judge's possession by

[Under the previous wording a justice on an appeals panel could
theoretically wait years, possibly until the original judge drew a
rare card, to destroy a card he earned from the original judgement.
Under this wording, he may only take that action with 7 days.]


Title: Lost and Found is Running the Show
Author: coppro
AI: 1.0
II: 0
Chamber: Red

Amend rule 2275 by replacing the word "entities" with the text
"entities, other than the Lost and Found Department,".


Title: De-caste-ify
Author: coppro
AI: 1.0
II: 1
Chamber: Red

Amend rule 2272 by replacing bullet (d) with the following:
 (d) A player CAN redeem 1 Leadership Token in eir possession
     to earn five draws from a single defined Basic Deck, chosen
     at the time of redemption.
and by swapping the order and lettering of bullets (c) and (d).


Title: Wild Cards
Author: coppro
AI: 2.0
II: 1
Chamber: Red

Amend rule 2262 (The Deck of Justice) by adding the following bullets:

      * Wild Card      - Indicate a player other than yourself. That
                         player is awarded a Leadership Token.

      * Witness Reward - You are awarded a Leadership Token.

Set the Frequency of Wild Card to 3, the Frequency of Dunce Cap to 5,
and the Frequency of Witness Reward to 1.
[ This sets the total DoJ frequencies at 85 ]


Title: We don't need this anymore
Author: Yally
AI: 2.0
II: 1
Chamber: Red

Repeal Rule 2142 (Support Democracy).


*Full name is Gravity Circumference Line Deja Vu Cardboard Duck e^(-kt)


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