== Promotor's Proposal Pool Report ==

Date of this report: Tue 15 Dec 2009
Date of last report: Wed 09 Nov 2009
Pool last ratified: 03 Dec, ratified on 10 Dec

Number of Proposals in the Pool: 3

Distributable Proposals in the Pool:

All proposals made distributable and then removed from the pool before
being distributed are also still distributable, but too many to list
All others are undistributable.

Proposals currently in the Pool:

Title: Revert 6571
Author: c.
AI: 3.0
II: 1
Chamber: Green

Revert the effects of Proposal 6571.
[As far as I can tell, the only purpose of the proposal was to add
unnecessary verbosity in an attempt to satisfy a technical definition
which doesn't affect the gamestate, based on an over-literal
interpretation of the rules.]


Title: Fast Track
Author: G.*
AI: 2.0
II: 1
Chamber: Green

[Adds an urgent catagory]

In Rule 1607 (The Promotor) replace:
     Distributability is a proposal switch tracked by the Promotor,
     with values Undistributable (default) and Distributable.

     In a given Agoran week, the Promotor CAN and SHALL, as part of
     eir weekly duties, distribute any proposal that is in the
     Proposal Pool and was Distributable at the beginning of that
     Agoran week.  The Promotor CAN but SHALL NOT, in a given Agoran
     week, distribute any proposal that is in the Pool but was
     Undistributable at the beginning of that Agoran week, or was
     entered into the Pool during that Agoran week.

     Distributability is a proposal switch tracked by the Promotor,
     with values Undistributable (default), Distributable, and

     The Promotor CAN distribute a proposal in the Proposal Pool
     at any time.  In a given Agoran week, the Promotor SHALL, as
     part of eir weekly duties, distribute any proposal that is in
     the Proposal Pool and was Distributable at the beginning of that
     Agoran week.  The Promotor SHOULD distribute an Urgent proposal
     in the Pool within 4 days of the proposal becoming urgent.  The
     Promotor SHALL NOT, in a given Agoran week, distribute any
     non-urgent proposal in the Pool that was Undistributable or not
     in the Pool at the beginning of that Agoran week.

Amend Rule 2261 (The Deck of Change) by replacing:

     * Distrib-u-Matic - Indicate an Undistributable proposal. That
                         proposal becomes Distributable.  Or play
                         three Distrib-u-Matics in the same message
                         while indicating a single non-urgent
                         proposal, and that proposal becomes Urgent.


Title: Festive Fix
Author: coppro
AI: 3.0
II: 0
Chamber: Red

Amend Rule 1769 by replacing
     b) the future event would occur during a Holiday, then the
        future event occurs 72 hours after the end of that Holiday
     b) the future event would occur during a Holiday or during the
        72 hours immediately following a Holiday, then the future
        event occurs 72 hours after the end of that Holiday instead.


*Full name is Gravity Circumference Line Deja Vu Cardboard Duck e^(-kt)


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