[This file lists the contents of the proposal pool.

File generated at 2010-07-25T20:46:51Z.  Not necessarily up to date as
of then; recent changes may be missing.

NOT A SOURCE FILE: automatically generated, do not edit.

chamber: Green
ai: 1.7
interest: 1
proposer: Murphy
title: Stereotypes
submit_date: 2010-07-20
submit_mid: <4c45ac32.7090...@socal.rr.com>
distributability: undistributable

Amend Rule 911 (Appeal Cases) by appending, immediately after this

      As soon as possible after a judicial panel is assigned, each
      member of the panel SHALL publish an appeals opinion indicating
      a valid judgement to assign to the case -- only the last such
      published opinion for each member is used to determine the
      outcome.  Each member SHOULD choose an appropriate judgement,
      and include arguments for eir choice.

this text, followed by a paragraph break:

      If prejudice is not explicitly specified, then an opinion
      indicating AFFIRM or REMAND implicitly indicates without
      prejudice, while an opinion indicating REMIT or OVERRULE
      implicitly indicates with prejudice.


chamber: Purple
ai: 1.0
interest: 1
proposer: Yally
title: Win by Respect
submit_date: 2010-07-20
submit_mid: <aanlktik4pivdmy2a_9pbrxp7xg10temg0szqgx-nu...@mail.gmail.com>
distributability: distributable
distributability flipped: 2010-07-20 00:00:00

Append the following to Rule 2287:

"A player with 30 or more props CAN destroy all eir props to satisfy
the Winning Condition of Respect. 14 props are then created in that
player's possession."


chamber: Purple
ai: 2.0
interest: 2
proposer: coppro
title: Website Fix
submit_date: 2010-07-21
submit_mid: <4c46a5b6.7070...@gmail.com>
distributability: distributable
distributability flipped: 2010-07-21 00:00:00

Enact a new rule entitled "Website Fixup" at power 2 with the following
       During the Submission Period, any player CAN, by announcement,
       submit a Website Submission. A Website Submission is a document or
       collection of documents intended to replace the web page at
       http://agoranomic.org/. A player CAN by announcement withdraw a
       Website Submission (causing it to cease to be a
       Website Submission). Submitting a Website Submission causes any
       earlier Website Submission authored by the same player to be

       Website Submissions have ID numbers, to be assigned by the
       the Sysadmin. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the
       Sysadmin has no report and has II 0. The Sysadmin is an imposed
       office, its holder is coppro.

       If the Submission Period has not began, Taral CAN, by
       announcement, begin it, and e also CAN, by announcement, cause
       this Rule to repeal itself. If the Submission Period has not began
       and this Rule has been in the Ruleset for more than two weeks,
       any player CAN, by announcement, cause this Rule to repeal itself.

       Two weeks after the Submission Period begins, it ends. As soon as
       possible thereafter, the Sysadmin SHALL initiate an Agoran
       decision to pick the winning Website Sumbission; the options shall
       be each Website Submission and NO WINNER. Each active player is
       an eligible voter for this decision, as is Taral. Taral's voting
       limit is 3, every other voter's limit is 1. The text of each
       Website Submission is an essential parameter.

       When the Agoran decision is resolved, if a Website Submission was
       selected as the outcome, then its author is awarded two Leadership
       Tokens and Taral SHOULD update http://agoranomic.org/ to reflect
       the winning Website Submission. Regardless of the outcome, this
       rule then repeals itself.

[Taral gets special treatment because e maintains the website. Imposing
the office on myself will make sure I actually do the sysadminnery
rather than shrug it off by resigning.]


chamber: Purple
ai: 3.0
interest: 1
proposer: comex
title: Adoption Without Objection
submit_date: 2010-07-23
submit_mid: <aanlkti=gzn0vvegiej+tudoro5mq71af9bl1fehrc...@mail.gmail.com>
distributability: distributable
distributability flipped: 2010-07-23 00:00:00

Amend Rule 106 by replacing:

      If the option selected by Agora on this decision is ADOPTED,
      then the proposal is adopted, and unless other rules prevent it
      from taking effect, its power is set to the minimum of four and
      its adoption index, and then it takes effect.

      A proposal with a decision on which the option selected by Agora
      is not ADOPTED does not take effect, rules to the contrary


      If the option selected by Agora on this decision is ADOPTED,
      then the proposal is adopted.  When a proposal is adopted,
      unless other rules prevent it from taking effect, its power is
      set to the minimum of four and its adoption index, and then it
      takes effect.  Causing a proposal to be adopted is a secured
      change; a proposal which has not been adopted does not take
      effect, rules to the contrary notwithstanding.

Create a new Power-3 rule titled "Adoption Without Objection", with text:

      A player CAN, without objection, cause a proposal in the
      Proposal Pool to be adopted; it is then removed from the
      Proposal Pool.  To avoid "spam scams", this action cannot be
      performed unless the message of intent has exactly one Subject
      header, which must contain the exact text "[AWO]" reasonably
      close to its beginning.

[Along with actual gameplay comes the need to fix that gameplay; I
don't want to wait weeks for uncontroversial proposals to be adopted.
(Currently, it can take up to a month for a proposal to be adopted,
without any rule violations by officeholders: I submit a proposal on
Monday, the Promotor SHALL NOT distribute it until next Monday but e
waits until next Sunday; voting period is one week, and the Assessor
has one week after that to resolve the decision.  Yuch.)]

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